All-Round Champion Season 3 Episode 1

Ep 1. Pole Vault

  • March 30, 2021

All-Round Champion season 3 episode 1 is titled "Pole Vault" and follows the journey of 10 talented young athletes who are competing to become the ultimate all-round champion. In this episode, the contestants must tackle the challenge of pole vaulting, a demanding and technical sport that requires strength, agility, and precision.

The episode begins with the athletes arriving at the training facility, where they meet their coaches and mentors for the competition. Each coach is an expert in their field and will guide the contestants through a series of challenges and eliminations, ultimately leading to the crowning of the all-round champion.

The contestants are introduced to the world of pole vaulting, which involves running with a long pole and using it to vault over a bar suspended high above the ground. The athletes are given a crash course in the technique, learning how to hold the pole, plant it in the ground, and use it to propel themselves over the bar.

As the contestants begin to practice, it becomes clear that pole vaulting is a challenging and potentially dangerous sport. Many of the athletes struggle with the timing and coordination required to execute a successful jump, and a few even suffer minor injuries in the process.

Despite the difficulties, the contestants continue to push themselves, determined to master the sport and impress the judges. Each athlete is given multiple attempts to clear the bar, with their best jump determining their score for the competition.

As the day of the competition approaches, tensions run high among the contestants, who know that only a few of them will make it through to the next round. The judges watch intently as each athlete takes their turn, carefully evaluating their technique and form.

In the end, only a select few contestants are deemed skilled enough to move on to the next challenge. The rest are sent home, disappointed but determined to continue honing their skills for next year's competition.

Overall, the episode is a thrilling and intense look at the world of pole vaulting and the incredible athletes who make the sport their own. Whether you're a sports fan or simply curious about the all-round champion competition, this episode is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Watch All-Round Champion - Pole Vault (s3 e1) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download
All-Round Champion, Season 3 Episode 1, is available to watch free on BYUtv and stream on BYUtv. You can also stream, download All-Round Champion on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    March 30, 2021
  • Language