Watch Als die Nazis an die Macht kamen

  • 2018
  • 1 Season

As the Nazis came to power in Germany, the country underwent a tumultuous transformation. Arte France's series Als die Nazis an die Macht kamen (When the Nazis Came to Power) details the events that led to the rise of the Nazi party and Adolf Hitler's ascent to the position of Chancellor in 1933.

The six-part documentary begins in the aftermath of World War I, when Germany was plunged into economic chaos and political instability. It explores how the Nazi party capitalized on these circumstances to gain support, particularly among the working class, who felt betrayed by the established political parties.

As the documentary progresses, it traces the rise of Hitler within the Nazi party and his eventual appointment as Chancellor. Viewers are given insight into the tactics employed by the Nazi party, such as propaganda and the distortion of truth, as well as the intimidation and violence used to suppress dissent.

One particularly harrowing episode covers the infamous night of broken glass, or Kristallnacht, in 1938, when Jewish businesses and synagogues were attacked across Germany. The series details the anti-Semitic policies and legislation implemented by the Nazi regime, as well as the subsequent persecution, imprisonment and murder of Jewish people, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and others deemed undesirable by the regime.

Als die Nazis an die Macht kamen also explores the international response to the events in Germany, such as the boycott of German goods and agreements made at conferences like the Munich Conference. The series examines the roles of prominent historical figures, such as US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, and how their actions impacted the course of events in Germany.

Throughout the series, viewers are presented with archival footage, photographs, and expert commentary from historians and scholars. The documentary provides a comprehensive and insightful look into one of the most turbulent periods of modern history.

Overall, Als die Nazis an die Macht kamen is a sobering reminder of the dangers of nationalist and authoritarian ideologies. The series highlights how a committed and well-organized political movement can manipulate and exploit societal vulnerabilities to gain power, and the devastating consequences such actions can have for individuals and entire populations. It serves as a powerful warning to remain vigilant against any and all forms of discrimination and oppression.

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2. Gleichschaltung
December 5, 2018
1933. Hitler stand im Mittelpunkt des nationalsozialistischen Personenkults. Immer mehr Deutsche liefen in das Lager der Machthaber
1. Machtergreifung
December 5, 2018
Anfang der 1930er Jahre steckte Deutschland in einer schweren Krise: In einem Kontext grassierender Arbeitslosigkeit und zunehmender politischer Gewalt stand der Staat am Rande des Zusammenbruchs. Dieses Klima kam Adolf Hitler zugute, dessen Partei t
  • Premiere Date
    December 5, 2018