American Experience Season 1 Episode 10

Ep 10. That Rhythm, Those Blues

  • December 6, 1988

In American Experience season 1 episode 10, titled "That Rhythm, Those Blues", viewers are taken on an intimate journey through the evolution of blues music in America. Through personal interviews and archival footage, the episode explores the roots of blues music in African American culture and how it evolved into a mainstream genre.

The episode begins with a look at the origins of blues music in the South, highlighting the work songs and spirituals that were sung by enslaved African Americans. Viewers learn about how these early forms of musical expression laid the foundation for the blues and how the genre was passed down through generations of African American musicians.

The episode then covers the early years of blues, from the Delta to Chicago, highlighting key artists like Robert Johnson, who is widely considered to be the father of blues music. Viewers learn about the hardships faced by early blues musicians, including poverty, racism, and exploitation by record companies. Despite these challenges, the blues continued to gain popularity, and by the 1920s and 30s, it was a widespread phenomenon.

In the second half of the episode, viewers are introduced to some of the biggest names in blues music, including B.B. King and Muddy Waters. The episode explores the impact these musicians had on the genre and how their music resonated with audiences around the world.

While the episode focuses primarily on the history of blues music, it also touches on some of the social and cultural issues that surrounded the genre. For example, viewers learn about the role of race in the development of blues music and how it was often seen as "black music" by white audiences. The episode also delves into some of the criticisms that have been leveled at blues music over the years, including accusations of misogyny and glorification of drug and alcohol use.

Overall, "That Rhythm, Those Blues" is a fascinating exploration of one of America's most iconic musical genres. Through personal interviews and rare footage, viewers are able to get an inside look at the history and evolution of blues music and the impact it has had on American culture. Whether you're a fan of the genre or just interested in learning more about the history of American music, this episode is definitely worth a watch.

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  • First Aired
    December 6, 1988
  • Language