American Experience Season 14 Episode 9

Ep 9. Monkey Trial

  • February 24, 2002
  • 7.1  (23)

In the ninth episode of season 14 of American Experience, viewers are transported back to 1925 to witness the infamous Monkey Trial. The trial marked a pivotal moment in American history as science clashed with religion, and the nation was divided over the theory of evolution.

The episode begins by setting the stage for the trial, describing the tense and divisive atmosphere in the small town of Dayton, Tennessee. The state had recently passed a law prohibiting the teaching of evolution in public schools, and a group of educators and activists decided to challenge the law in court.

The trial quickly became a media frenzy, drawing national attention and sparking heated debates across the country. The defense team included some of the country's most prominent lawyers, while the prosecution was led by a fundamentalist Christian and former presidential candidate.

As the trial progressed, tensions rose and emotions ran high. Witnesses on both sides testified passionately, and the courtroom was packed with spectators eager to witness the historic event. Despite the intense scrutiny, however, the judge refused to allow the trial to become a spectacle and maintained strict decorum throughout the proceedings.

Ultimately, the jury found the defendant guilty, but the trial had a profound impact on the country's understanding of science and religion. In the decades that followed, the debate over evolution continued to rage, and the trial became a symbol of the ongoing struggle between reason and faith in American society.

Overall, American Experience's Monkey Trial is a gripping and thought-provoking look at one of the most controversial moments in American history. Through interviews with experts and dramatic re-enactments, the episode brings the trial to life and offers insight into the complex issues at play. Whether you are a history buff or simply interested in the intersection of science and religion, this episode is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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  • First Aired
    February 24, 2002
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.1  (23)