American Experience Season 19 Episode 10

Ep 10. Sister Aimee

  • April 2, 2007
  • 6.8  (34)

In season 19 episode 10 of American Experience, viewers are introduced to Sister Aimee Semple McPherson, one of America's most influential and controversial evangelists in the early 20th century. Sister Aimee's life is explored from her humble beginnings to her rise to fame and power, as well as the controversies and scandals that plagued her throughout her career.

The episode illustrates how Sister Aimee used her charisma and preaching ability to draw crowds of thousands to her sermons, earning her the title of "the female Billy Sunday." She embraced new media technologies such as radio and film to spread her message, and her innovative use of these mediums helped to establish her as a national figure.

The show also examines Sister Aimee's personal life, including her three marriages and the rumors of extramarital affairs and even fake kidnappings that plagued her later years. Despite these controversies, the episode presents Sister Aimee as a complicated woman who was committed to her faith and her followers.

Throughout the hour-long episode, viewers hear from historians, experts, and those who knew Sister Aimee personally, painting a vivid portrait of a woman whose legacy continues to impact American religious life to this day.

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  • First Aired
    April 2, 2007
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.8  (34)