American Experience Season 4 Episode 8

Ep 8. Duke Ellington: Reminiscing in Tempo

  • TV-PG
  • December 9, 1991
  • 114 min
  • 8.3  (93)

In season 4 episode 8 of American Experience titled "Duke Ellington: Reminiscing in Tempo," viewers will be taken on a musical journey through the life and career of one of America's greatest jazz composers, Duke Ellington. Through a combination of archival footage, interviews with Ellington's collaborators, and musical performances, this episode gives viewers an in-depth look at Ellington's impact on the music industry as well as his contributions to African American culture.

The episode begins with a look at Ellington's childhood in Washington D.C. where he first became interested in music. Viewers will see how his early years influenced his later compositions and how he became known for blending different genres such as jazz, blues, and gospel. The show then explores Ellington's early career as a bandleader and how he gained popularity in the 1920s and 1930s during the Harlem Renaissance. Viewers will also see how Ellington's music was not always well received during his early years due to racial segregation in the music industry.

As Ellington's career grew, so did his influence on jazz music. Viewers will see how he incorporated a variety of instruments, such as the saxophone and trumpet, into his compositions and how he was able to bring together different musical styles in innovative ways. Interviews with jazz musicians who were influenced by Ellington throughout the years will provide insight into Ellington's creative process and how he inspired others to push boundaries.

The episode also covers some of the hardships Ellington faced during his career, such as the death of his mother and the economic challenges brought on by the Great Depression. Despite these difficulties, Ellington continued to create groundbreaking music and inspire others to do the same.

In addition to exploring Ellington's musical career, "Duke Ellington: Reminiscing in Tempo" delves into his personal life as well. Viewers will see how Ellington balanced his family life with his professional career and how his relationships impacted his music. Personal interviews with Ellington's son, Mercer Ellington, provide insight into their family's life both on and off stage.

Overall, American Experience's "Duke Ellington: Reminiscing in Tempo" offers a comprehensive look at the life and legacy of Duke Ellington. With a focus on his impact on jazz music and African American culture, the episode offers an inspiring look at one of America's greatest musical icons.

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  • First Aired
    December 9, 1991
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    114 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.3  (93)