Carole & Tuesday Season 1 Episode 4
Carole & Tuesday
Season 1

Ep 4. Video Killed the Radio Star

  • May 1, 2019
  • 7.7  (80)

Carole & Tuesday season 1 episode 4, titled "Video Killed the Radio Star", takes viewers on a journey through the cutthroat music industry of the future. As the title suggests, the episode focuses on the increasing importance of music videos in the world of entertainment.

The episode begins with Carole and Tuesday getting their big break - a chance to perform on a popular TV show. Their performance excites the audience, but they are soon overshadowed by a flashy music video from a popular artist named Angela. The contrast between Carole & Tuesday's raw talent and Angela's polished image is stark, and it becomes clear that a good music video is just as important as the music itself.

Meanwhile, the girls' manager, Gus, is feeling the pressure to produce a hit for his new clients. He enlists the help of a talented videographer named Dahlia, who agrees to create a music video for Carole & Tuesday. However, the two girls are hesitant to sacrifice their authenticity for the sake of a flashy music video.

As tensions rise, Carole & Tuesday find themselves at odds with Dahlia's vision for their video. The director wants to showcase their "glamorous" side, dressing them in flashy outfits and filming them in exotic locations. Carole & Tuesday, on the other hand, want the video to focus on their music and message, without any frills or superficiality.

The conflict between the girls and Dahlia highlights the struggle of artists trying to balance their own creative vision with the demands of the music industry. They eventually compromise and agree to some of Dahlia's ideas, but also incorporate their own unique flair.

As the episode draws to a close, the music video is finally released. The result is a stunning visual representation of Carole & Tuesday's music, complementing their message and style perfectly. The video's success is a testament to the girls' talent and authenticity, proving that good music and a strong message are still relevant in a world dominated by glitz and glamour.

Overall, "Video Killed the Radio Star" is a thought-provoking episode that explores the shifting landscape of the music industry. It challenges viewers to consider the role of music videos in an age where image is everything, while emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself as an artist.

Watch Carole & Tuesday - Video Killed the Radio Star (s1 e4) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
Carole & Tuesday, Season 1 Episode 4, is available to watch and stream on Fuji TV. You can also buy, rent Carole & Tuesday on demand at Netflix online.
  • First Aired
    May 1, 2019
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (80)