Watch Dragon Ball Super
- 2015
- 10 Seasons
8.3 (37,285)
Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese anime television series that aired on Fuji TV from 2015 to 2018. The show is a sequel to the original Dragon Ball series, which aired from 1986 to 1989, and takes place after the events of Dragon Ball Z, which aired from 1989 to 1996. Dragon Ball Super follows the adventures of the main character, Goku, as he faces new challenges and battles enemies to protect Earth and the universe.
The show starts with Goku living a peaceful life with his family on Earth, after defeating the powerful Majin Buu. However, that peace is short-lived as a new threat emerges, the God of Destruction, Beerus. Beerus is a powerful deity who has awakened from his slumber and is in search of the Super Saiyan God, a legendary warrior who can give him a good fight. Goku and his friends must find the Super Saiyan God before Beerus destroys Earth.
After the Beerus saga, the show introduces new characters and story arcs, including the resurrected Freeza and the Anti-Trade group, the Universe 6 and 7 tournament, and the Future Trunks saga. Along the way, Goku and his friends face fierce opponents, including powerful gods, other-worldly fighters, and evil villains seeking to destroy the universe.
The show is known for its unique blend of action, comedy, and drama, with intense battles and emotional moments. The animation style is vibrant and colorful, with detailed character designs and special effects. The fight scenes are intense and fast-paced, with unique techniques and powers showcased by each character.
One of the standout features of Dragon Ball Super is the character development. Goku and his friends evolve throughout the series, as they face new challenges and grow stronger. The show explores the relationships between the characters, their backgrounds, and motivations, adding depth and complexity to their personalities.
The show also introduces new characters who become fan favorites, including Beerus and his attendant, Whis, the god of destruction and his angel companion. Other popular characters introduced in the series include Jiren, Hit, and the female Saiyans, Caulifla and Kale.
Overall, Dragon Ball Super is a must-watch for fans of the Dragon Ball series, as well as anyone who loves action-packed anime. The show builds on the original series' legacy, introducing new storylines and characters while staying true to the franchise's core themes of friendship, determination, and heroism. The series ended with an emotional and satisfying conclusion, leaving fans ready for more adventures from Goku and his friends.
Dragon Ball Super is a series that ran for 10 seasons (300 episodes) between July 5, 2015 and on Fuji TV