Charlie Rose 2011 Season 5 Episode 3

Ep 3. Charlie Rose - Reed Hastings/ Salman Khan (May 4, 2011)

  • TV-NR
  • May 4, 2011
  • 53 min

Charlie Rose is a talk show that has been running for many seasons, and episode 3 of season 5 features interviews with two very different guests. Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, addresses the future of the company and the entertainment industry at large, while Salman Khan, the founder of the Khan Academy, discusses his innovative approach to education.

The episode begins with Charlie Rose introducing Reed Hastings, who has recently led Netflix through some major changes, including a shift from DVD rentals to online streaming. Hastings discusses the challenges and opportunities of this shift, and describes the ways in which Netflix has been able to stay ahead of the competition.

Hastings also discusses the future of the entertainment industry, predicting that we will see more and more content being produced independently, rather than by the big studios. He argues that this will be good for both consumers and creators, as it will allow more diverse voices and perspectives to be represented in our media.

After Hastings' interview, Charlie Rose welcomes Salman Khan to the show. Khan, who started the Khan Academy as a way to help his cousin with her math homework, has since turned it into one of the most powerful and innovative education platforms in the world.

Khan discusses the philosophy behind the Khan Academy's approach to education, which is based on the belief that everyone can learn anything, if they are given the right tools and support. He talks about the power of online learning to reach people who might not have access to traditional educational resources, and he shares some of the success stories of students who have used the Khan Academy to transform their lives.

Throughout the episode, Charlie Rose is an engaged and thoughtful interviewer, asking insightful questions and allowing his guests plenty of time to share their ideas and insights. Whether you are interested in media, education, or just great conversations with interesting people, this episode of Charlie Rose is definitely worth a watch.

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  • First Aired
    May 4, 2011
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    53 min
  • Language