Criminal Confessions Season 2 Episode 5

Ep 5. Jackson County, WI

  • TV14
  • November 3, 2018
  • 43 min
  •   (11)

In season 2 episode 5, titled "Jackson County, WI", Criminal Confessions explores the aftermath of a brutal murder that took place in rural Wisconsin. The victim, a 22-year-old woman named Tanya Mazur, was found dead in her apartment with multiple stab wounds. The local police department immediately launched an investigation, and after several months, a suspect was finally arrested: 24-year-old Owen Thompson, a former acquaintance of Mazur's.

The episode begins by detailing the initial stages of the investigation, which involved combing through the crime scene for evidence and interviewing potential witnesses. As the police began to build their case against Thompson, they learned that he had a history of violent behavior and had been involved in a number of altercations in the past. One of his former girlfriends even came forward and revealed that Thompson had once threatened to kill her.

With this information in hand, the police brought Thompson in for questioning. At first, he denied any involvement in the murder and even claimed to have an alibi for the night in question. However, as the interrogation continued, Thompson's story began to unravel. He eventually confessed to the murder, revealing that he had been high on drugs and alcohol at the time and had acted impulsively.

Despite the confession, however, the case was far from over. The prosecution still needed to prove that Thompson had intentionally killed Mazur and hadn't simply acted in a fit of rage. To this end, they called on a number of witnesses, including forensic experts and the medical examiner who had conducted Mazur's autopsy. Through their testimony, the prosecution was able to paint a picture of Thompson as a violent and dangerous individual who had deliberately taken Mazur's life.

Throughout the episode, Criminal Confessions offers a detailed look at the legal proceedings surrounding the case. Viewers watch as the defense and prosecution argue their cases, with each side presenting evidence and calling witnesses to the stand. The episode also delves into the personal sides of the case, examining Thompson's troubled past and the impact that Mazur's death had on her friends and family.

Ultimately, Jackson County, WI is a gripping and emotional episode of Criminal Confessions that offers a glimpse into the complexities of criminal justice. Through it all, viewers are left to ponder the terrifying reality of violent crime and the devastating toll it takes on those who are left to pick up the pieces.

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  • First Aired
    November 3, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    43 min
  • Language