Criminal Confessions Season 3 Episode 4

Ep 4. She Never Came Home

  • December 28, 2019
  • 42 min

In Criminal Confessions season 3 episode 4, titled "She Never Came Home," investigators work to solve the mysterious disappearance of a mother-of-three. The episode begins with investigators recounting the events leading up to the disappearance of Marie Carlson, a woman who disappeared after leaving a bar in the early hours of the morning.

The investigation begins with an interview with Marie's friends, who describe her as a devoted mother who would never abandon her children willingly. The friends reveal that Marie had been celebrating her birthday with them at a local bar, where she had been drinking heavily. The last time they saw her, she was getting into a taxi with a man they did not know.

The taxi driver is brought in for questioning and is able to provide a description of the man who had been with Marie. He describes him as tall, with dark hair and a beard. The man had been wearing a black leather jacket and spoke with a local accent.

Investigators begin to scour the area around the bar for any clues, and eventually, they are able to track down a member of the bar staff who remembers a man fitting that description. The man had been at the bar earlier in the evening, before Marie had even arrived. He had been drinking alone and had left shortly before midnight.

With this new lead in hand, the investigators begin to piece together the man's movements and eventually track him down to a local motel. They are able to apprehend him and bring him in for questioning.

During the interrogation, the man denies having anything to do with Marie's disappearance, but investigators are able to poke holes in his story. They reveal inconsistencies in his alibi and present evidence that contradicts his version of events.

Eventually, the man breaks down and confesses to killing Marie. He reveals that he had seen her walking alone on the street after leaving the bar and had offered to give her a ride. Once inside his car, he had become enraged when she had declined his advances and had strangled her.

The episode ends with the man being brought to trial and ultimately being found guilty of murder. The investigators reflect on the tragedy of Marie's death and the impact it has had on her family and friends.

"She Never Came Home" is a gripping episode that highlights the tireless efforts of investigators as they work to bring justice to those who have been wronged. It is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by strangers and the importance of remaining vigilant in all situations.

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  • First Aired
    December 28, 2019
  • Runtime
    42 min
  • Language