Cupcake & Dino - General Services Season 1 Episode 16

Ep 16. Cupsy

  • July 27, 2018

In Cupcake & Dino - General Services season 1 episode 16, titled Cupsy, our beloved protagonists Cupcake and Dino go on a wild adventure to find Cupsy, a rare and valuable cup that has been missing from a famous collector's collection.

The episode starts with the duo receiving a call from famous collector Mr. Sips, who informs them of the disappearance of Cupsy. Mr. Sips offers them a large sum of money as a reward if they successfully find Cupsy and bring it back to him. Cupcake and Dino are excited about the prospect of earning some big bucks and set out to find the missing cup.

The first location they visit is a thrift store run by a mysterious old lady. Cupcake and Dino are convinced that she has the cup, but they are met with a dead end when the old lady insists that she doesn't have it. Frustrated and running out of time, Cupcake and Dino decide to split up to cover more ground in their search.

Cupcake heads to a fancy restaurant where he believes Cupsy may have been unknowingly used as a regular coffee cup. Dino, on the other hand, goes to a local museum where he thinks the cup may have been stolen and put on display. While Cupcake is unsuccessful in his search at the restaurant, Dino discovers that Cupsy is indeed at the museum, but it's being used as a prop in an upcoming exhibit.

Dino hatches a plan to sneak in and steal Cupsy back, but things quickly go awry when the museum's security guard catches him in the act. Cupcake, who has followed Dino to the museum, comes to his rescue and helps him evade the guard. Together, they manage to retrieve Cupsy from the exhibit, but their escape isn't without consequences.

In their attempt to flee, Cupcake and Dino accidentally knock over a priceless artifact, causing chaos in the museum. They narrowly escape the angry security guard and make their way back to Mr. Sips' mansion to return Cupsy.

When they hand the cup over to Mr. Sips, they feel relieved and happy that they were able to complete their mission. However, they're in for a rude awakening when Mr. Sips tells them he's not going to pay them the promised sum of money. Disappointed and crestfallen, Cupcake and Dino leave Mr. Sips' mansion empty-handed.

In the end, Cupcake and Dino realize that the experience taught them a valuable lesson. They learned that helping others and doing the right thing is more important than money. They decide to move on from their failed attempt and continue to offer their general services to those in need, hoping that their good deeds will one day pay off in unexpected ways.

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  • First Aired
    July 27, 2018
  • Language