Debatable By BuzzFeed

Watch Debatable By BuzzFeed

  • 2015
  • 2 Seasons

Debatable by BuzzFeed is a popular web series that features Shane Madej and Kelsey Darragh, two of the most popular faces of BuzzFeed Originals. This is a competition-style show that involves different rounds of debate between the hosts, where they argue about various popular topics ranging from superheroes to reality TV shows to foods to TV shows to anything else in the world. The show is full of witty banter and fun arguments that will keep you entertained throughout.

The show is produced and directed by BuzzFeed Originals, which has carved a niche for itself in creating content that is both entertaining and informative. The hosts, Shane and Kelsey, are renowned for their humor and their ability to create engaging content. They are frequently featured in BuzzFeed videos and other BuzzFeed Originals. They bring their incredible chemistry and hilarity to the show in spades.

The show is shot in a brightly lit studio, where the two hosts sit opposite each other at a desk. In each episode, they invite two notable guests, who argue on a different topic related to the main topic. These guests are often popular faces from the world of social media, comedy, or entertainment, and they join the hosts in a chorus of laughter and fun.

The show starts with the hosts introducing the topic of debate and setting the tone for the show. They then introduce the two guests for that episode, who join them at the desk. The show then moves into different rounds of debate, each round with its own rules and regulations.

One of the most popular rounds in the show is the "Blind Debate" round. In this round, the guests are given a topic to debate, but they are not allowed to see the topic before they start arguing. This often leads to hilarious arguments and unexpected twists and turns that keep the audience on their toes.

Another popular round is the "Speed Debate" round, where the guests have to argue for either side of a topic within a specified time limit. This round requires quick wit, sharp thinking, and a good sense of humor.

The show is interactive and invites the audience to vote on the winner of each round. The audience can participate by voting on social media or by sharing their opinions in the comments section.

Overall, Debatable by BuzzFeed is a fun and engaging show that will keep you entertained from start to finish. The hilarious banter between the hosts, their chemistry, and the energetic participation of the guests makes this a show that is worth watching. If you enjoy debate-style shows with lots of humor and wit, Debatable by BuzzFeed is definitely a show you should check out.

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  • Premiere Date
    June 1, 2015