Fareed Zakaria GPS Special Season 2018 Episode 18

Ep 18. 05/06/2018

  • May 6, 2018

Fareed Zakaria is a celebrated journalist who has been covering global politics for over two decades. His show, Fareed Zakaria GPS (Global Public Square), is focused on providing insightful analysis of the major news stories and trends shaping our world. Each episode features top guests from politics, business, and culture, who come together to discuss the latest developments in world affairs.

In the 2018 season of Fareed Zakaria GPS, Episode 18, which premiered on May 6, Fareed welcomes a lineup of top guests on the show. Among them is Condoleezza Rice, the former U.S. Secretary of State and the first black woman to hold that position. Fareed and Rice discuss the latest developments in the Korean peninsula, including the historic meeting between North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in. They delve into the potential implications of the summit and what it means for the future of relations between the two countries, as well as what the summit might imply for U.S.-North Korea relations.

The episode also features an interview with Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and philanthropist. Gates and Fareed discuss the role of technology in shaping the world today. They talk about the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the workforce, as well as the potential for technology to foster greater prosperity and alleviate poverty around the world. Gates offers his insights on how policymakers can harness technology for good and ensure that it benefits everyone, rather than just a select few.

In addition to Rice and Gates, Episode 18 also features a panel of experts who delve into one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today: climate change. The panel includes Michael Bloomberg, the former Mayor of New York City and founder of the Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The panel discusses the latest developments in global efforts to combat climate change, including the impact of the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord. They also explore the potential for new technologies, such as renewable energy, to help limit the worst effects of climate change and protect the planet for future generations.

Throughout the episode, Fareed offers his own insights and analysis of these topics and others, drawing on his years of experience covering global affairs. He provides a thoughtful and nuanced take on the most pressing issues of our time, from the escalating tensions in the Middle East to the rise of populism in Europe and beyond.

Overall, Fareed Zakaria GPS Season 2018 Episode 18 is a must-watch for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the key political, economic, and social trends shaping our world today. It offers a rich and varied lineup of guests and takes on some of the most pressing challenges facing the planet, all while providing thoughtful and insightful analysis that is sure to inform and enlighten viewers.

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  • First Aired
    May 6, 2018
  • Language