Free Meek

Watch Free Meek

  • TV-MA
  • 2019
  • 1 Season
  • 6.7  (534)

Free Meek is a documentary series that tells the story of rapper Meek Mill's battle with the criminal justice system. Produced by Amazon Studios, Free Meek was released in 2019 and features insight from well-known figures in the entertainment industry such as Jay-Z, Van Jones, and others.

The show explores Meek's life from his upbringing in Philadelphia to his rise to fame as a rapper. It also delves into his numerous legal troubles, which culminated in a conviction in 2008 for drug and gun charges. Meek spent eight months in jail for that crime and then, years later, was incarcerated again on probation violations after being sentenced in 2017.

Meek's case garnered national attention, with many people believing that he was unfairly targeted by the criminal justice system. The series follows Meek's fight for his freedom and highlights the systemic issues that plague the US criminal justice system. It serves not only as a profile on Meek's life but also as an examination of the larger issues at play in the American justice system.

Throughout the series, viewers see Meek's journey with his family and supporters as they fight against a justice system that criminalizes black men and women at disproportionately high rates. Jones, a CNN anchor and activist, acts as a guide throughout the series, offering commentary on Meek's case and the broader context surrounding it. In addition, famous faces such as Jay-Z and Rick Ross make appearances, lending their voices to the chorus of support behind Meek and the message of the series.

Free Meek intermixes footage of Meek's concerts with interviews with key figures in his life and legal proceedings, providing an in-depth look at his life and case. Along the way, it highlights the biases and unfairness that often plague black people within the criminal justice system. Parents of murdered Philadelphia police officer Danny Faulkner also make appearances, providing a counter-narrative to what they see as the glorification of Meek as a victim when they believe he is a perpetrator of violence.

The series effectively blends personal biography with a larger social justice message, painting a portrait of Meek that is both sympathetic and powerful. The show also exposes the corrupt practice of probation officers and judges that focus less on rehabilitation and support than on retribution and punishment.

Overall, Free Meek is a well-produced and engaging documentary series that offers a stirring indictment of the American justice system. It tells a compelling story of a man who had to fight for his freedom and encourages viewers to consider the ways in which the system works against certain groups of people. It provides a platform for Meek to tell his story while showcasing the work of activists trying to enact meaningful change. Free Meek is a must-watch for both fans of the rapper and those interested in the interplay of music and social justice.

Free Meek is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (5 episodes). The series first aired on August 9, 2019.

Free Meek
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Free, Not Free
5. Free, Not Free
August 9, 2019
Meek's family and supporters gather at the courthouse as Judge Brinkley is scheduled to review his petition for immediate Post-Conviction Relief. During the hearing, even the District Attorney's office concedes that Meek's conviction should be overturned and that he should be given a new trial. However, the Judge's demand for an evidentiary hearing in 60 days shocks everyone and Meek's lawyers must scramble to come up with a new plan as their client continues to languish behind bars. The FREE MEEK movement coalesces efforts to make changes to the legal system. The protests are at fever pitch when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court intervenes and decides that Meek should be released on bail while his hearings play out. Although he is whisked from prison on a helicopter and given a hero's welcome at a Philadelphia 76ers basketball game, he is not yet truly free. Judge Brinkley still presides over his case and will be the ultimate decider of his fate. His time in prison has left him psychologically wounded and Meek struggles to re-integrate with his former life. He returns to the familiar ground of the recording studio and works to translate his personal experiences into his art. The resulting work is a radical evolution in his music. Meek's team gathers at the courthouse once again for what should be the final time in front of Judge Brinkley as she forces them to lay out the case for Meek's freedom. Another shocking decision by the Judge sends Meek into an uncertain legal situation. Meek drops his album Championships, and commits to a new course in his life, speaking for the millions of people unfairly caught up in the criminal justice system. No longer reluctant to be the face of a movement, Meek and a panel of luminaries launch the REFORM Alliance, an organization with the stated goal of freeing one million people from the bonds of prison.
4. Filthadelphia
August 9, 2019
Meek's young son Papi misses his father, but there is nothing he can do in the face of Judge Brinkley's authority except join the growing FREE MEEK protests. The Philadelphia Eagles show their support for the movement by taking the field during the Super Bowl to Meek's song
Under Her Thumb
3. Under Her Thumb
August 9, 2019
Allegations of a bizarre request by Judge Brinkley at a probation hearing fuel speculation by Meek's supporters that she is taking an unusually personal interest in Meek's case. She sidelines him from performing and prohibits him from earning money while he's on house arrest. The stresses of probation take a toll on Meek and events in his personal life spiral out of his control, including a fight and drug addiction. Meek rehabilitates himself and goes back into the recording studio, using his personal struggles to fuel his creativity. The result is his masterpiece, Wins and Losses. He begins promoting the album in New York, but a high-profile arrest for popping wheelies on a dirt bike brings him back into Judge Brinkley's sights. Although he is not charged with a crime, Brinkley schedules another probation violation hearing. This time, Brinkley's patience has run out. She orders that he be imprisoned for 2-4 years and Meek begins his new sentence in solitary confinement. Meek's treatment within the criminal justice is seen by many as an indication of how America is failing black men. Success, fame and wealth do not change how they are viewed by a system that stalks them. The outrage in the city of Philadelphia explodes and FREE MEEK protesters take to the streets. Some of Meek's supporters hire private investigators to look into the Judge's background. Meek's lawyers find the results of the investigation shocking and attempt to remove her from the case. When the detectives turn their attention to Meek's original 2007 arrest, a much larger mystery reveals itself.
The Trap
2. The Trap
August 9, 2019
Badly beaten after his arrest, Meek spends his first night in jail. It takes his family many months to raise his bail money. Once released and awaiting trial, Meek spends his time in the recording studio grinding away on new music. At trial, Meek is at first relieved when he learns his case is going to be handled by Judge Genece Brinkley, a black woman. Prosecutors call only a single witness, his arresting officer Reggie Graham. Meek is shocked when Graham swears that Meek pointed a gun at him during a drug raid on the Hemberger Street house. Judge Brinkley finds Meek guilty of gun and drug charges and sentences him to 11
Two Americas
1. Two Americas
August 9, 2019
Meek Mill is a hip hop superstar, but got his start as a battle papper on the streets of Philly's roughest neighborhoods. Born as Robert Rihmeek Williams in 1987,
Where to Watch Free Meek
Free Meek is available for streaming on the Amazon Studios website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Free Meek on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    August 9, 2019
  • IMDB Rating
    6.7  (534)