Geometry in videos from the beginning

Watch Geometry in videos from the beginning

  • 2014
  • 3 Seasons

Geometry in Videos is a new and exciting show that explores the world of math and geometry using video animations. Created by Mallefilm, the show takes you on an unforgettable journey through some of the most fascinating concepts in geometry. The show kicks off with an explanation of basic geometry rules such as points, lines, and planes. The visuals in this segment are stunning, and the narrator does an excellent job of breaking down complex concepts into simple, easy to understand parts. The audience will learn about intersecting lines and parallel lines, angles, and geometrical proofs.

As the show progresses, the audience will be introduced to the concept of Euclidean geometry, which is the study of flat shapes and lines in two dimensions. Euclidean geometry has been around for thousands of years and is still a cornerstone of modern mathematics. The show delves deep into the subject, exploring everything from triangles and quadrilaterals to circles and polygons.

One of the most exciting aspects of Geometry in Videos is the use of advanced 3D animations to demonstrate key concepts. These animations help to make the content even more engaging for the audience, giving them a complete understanding of the subject matter.

The show also offers a detailed look at geometric transformations, including rotations, reflections, and translations. These transformations are essential in understanding symmetry and are key in real-world applications such as architecture and engineering. Using the latest technology, Geometry in Videos is able to take the audience on a journey through 3D space to demonstrate how these transformations work.

In another segment, the show demonstrates how mathematical principles can be applied to solve real-world problems. Using the concept of vectors, the audience explores how mathematics is used to find the shortest distance between two points, or how to navigate from point A to point B on a map.

Throughout the show, the host takes the audience on a guided tour through some of the most famous mathematical concepts in history. For example, the audience will be introduced to Pythagoras and his famous theorem, which states that in any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

In another segment, the show explores non-Euclidean geometry, which is the study of shapes and spaces that are curved, rather than flat. This type of geometry is essential in understanding the geometry of the universe, which is not Euclidean.

Towards the end of the show, the audience is introduced to advanced topics such as topology and the study of geometric objects that don't change shape when they are stretched or bent.

Overall, Geometry in Videos is an incredibly engaging and informative show that teaches the audience about the world of math and geometry in a fun and exciting way. Using advanced 3D animations and cutting-edge technology, the show brings complex concepts to life, making them easy for even the most math-phobic viewer to understand.

Geometry in videos from the beginning
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Trigonometry : how to calculate with angles in right triangles and quadrilaterals
7. Trigonometry : how to calculate with angles in right triangles and quadrilaterals
January 1, 2015
Till now we could only use angles in constructions; now it's time to calculate with them in right triangles which goes hand in hand with new exciting functions as sine, cosine and tangent. Look how we enlarge our possibilities here
The sphere and special examples : football, ice cream, the moon
6. The sphere and special examples : football, ice cream, the moon
January 1, 2015
We study the sphere and its formulae and we get to know some nice applications
Cylinder, cone and 1st conic section
5. Cylinder, cone and 1st conic section
January 1, 2015
We can generate a cylinder out of a circle and a cone out of a cylinder, so the formula for the volume can be found. Then we intersect the cone with a plane
The circle, its circumference and the number Pi (π)
4. The circle, its circumference and the number Pi (π)
January 1, 2015
Till now we only used the circle with the compasses in constructions. Now it's time to ask about its perimeter and its circumference; thus we get to know the famous number Pi
On the way to Pythagoras : square's and rectangle's diagonal, gradient of a street
3. On the way to Pythagoras : square's and rectangle's diagonal, gradient of a street
January 1, 2015
Here we ask about the square's diagonal and find ourselves on the way to Pythagoras' theorem
Similarity mappings and Euclids' theorems
2. Similarity mappings and Euclids' theorems
January 1, 2015
Combining the Congruence with the Dilation leads to a mapping called Similarity : we study 1st properties and find out what Euclid discovered
Centrical dilation and Intercept theorems
1. Centrical dilation and Intercept theorems
January 1, 2015
After the congruence we get to know a new mapping: the Centrical dilation and we learn how to deal with the Intercept theorems
  • Premiere Date
    December 31, 2014