Get Blake Season 1 Episode 11
Get Blake
Season 1

Ep 11. Get Weasel

  • January 11, 2015
  • 11 min

Get Blake! Season 1 Episode 11 - Get Weasel:

In this episode of Get Blake!, Blake is faced with a new challenge when he discovers that a group of evil Weasels have invaded his school. These Weasels are intent on stealing all of the students' belongings and causing chaos throughout the school.

Blake is determined to stop the Weasels and enlists the help of his friends Mitch and Max. Together, they come up with a plan to catch the Weasels in the act and put a stop to their mischief.

As they plan their attack, Blake realizes that he has to face his fear of Weasels in order to save his school. With the help of his friends, he learns to be brave and decides to take on the Weasels head-on.

The episode is full of action and adventure as Blake and his friends face many obstacles and challenges along the way. From dodging traps to battling the Weasels, they must use all their skills and wits to come out on top.

But it's not just about fighting the Weasels. Lurking in the shadows is a mysterious figure who seems to be pulling the strings behind the Weasels' attack. Blake and his friends will have to figure out who this person is and put an end to their evil plans.

Overall, Get Blake! Season 1 Episode 11 - Get Weasel is an exciting and thrilling episode that is filled with action, adventure, and humor. It's a must-watch for fans of the show and anyone who loves a good adventure story.

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  • First Aired
    January 11, 2015
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language