Independent Lens Season 18 Episode 16
Independent Lens
Season 18

Ep 16. The Prison In Twelve Landscapes

  • May 8, 2017

In season 18 episode 16 of Independent Lens titled "The Prison In Twelve Landscapes," the viewers are taken on a journey through different regions of the United States and shown how the prison system affects people's lives in unexpected ways. The episode is directed by Brett Story and runs for 87 minutes.

The documentary is structured around twelve short films, each showcasing a different aspect of how prisons affect communities and individuals beyond the walls of correctional facilities. Through interviews with people directly and indirectly affected by mass incarceration, the film explores the profound impact of the American prison system on society from social, cultural, and economic perspectives.

The first film focuses on a man from Illinois who struggles to find a job because of his criminal record. He cannot even take his daughter to a public park as it is situated next to a prison, which is prohibited for people with a criminal record. The second film highlights the impact of the prison industry on small-town economies. In rural Kentucky, a community cannot thrive without the income generated by a private prison in the area. The third film provides a glimpse into the world of prison phone calls and their high cost.

The film makes an interesting observation in that the prison system has become one of the largest social service providers. The fourth film showcases a struggling municipality in Ferguson, Missouri that funds its city operations by issuing heavy fines to people who cannot afford to pay them, leading to arrests and incarceration. The fifth film showcases how people who have loved ones behind bars work to maintain connections with them through communication and visiting them.

The sixth film goes deep into the logistics of transporting prisoners from across the country, touching on the negatives that come along with such a system. The next few films take a closer look at how prisoners in select states work to improve their state of being, through innovative programs and self-care techniques.

The tenth film looks at the city of Los Angeles, where incarceration has led to an uptick in homeless populations. The eleventh film highlights a prison abolition movement where several organizations are working towards creating safe and equitable alternatives to prisons. The final film provides a cultural critique of the prison system, showcasing how prisons have been viewed as an ideal place for abducting black and brown people.

Overall, "The Prison In Twelve Landscapes" is a thought-provoking and comprehensive exploration of the prison system and its impact on society. The series of vignettes shed light on the many ripple effects of mass incarceration, bringing into focus the social fabric of America that has eroded because of its failures. The documentary provides no simple solutions but instead offers a nuanced look at the complex web of issues and stakeholders connected to the prison system. The show encourages the audience to think critically about the prison system and its social and economic impacts on individuals and communities.

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  • First Aired
    May 8, 2017
  • Language