Watch Inside British Airways

  • 2015
  • 2 Seasons

Inside British Airways is a series that is currently running and has 2 seasons (6 episodes). The series first aired on September 4, 2015.

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Episode 2
2. Episode 2
September 1, 2022
Engineers race against the clock to completely refurbish an aircraft interior. As BA starts to update its fleet - will the first of their brand new aircraft be up to scratch? We follow the build and delivery team as they inspect every inch of a brand new Airbus A350 and make sure everything is absolutely perfect before agreeing to take delivery.
Episode 1
1. Episode 1
July 26, 2022
From the men and women who maintain the planes to the people who buy them, our cameras go behind the scenes of Britain's multi-billion pound, flag carrier airline. In Episode 1, with British Airways updating its fleet of aircraft, we join their top pilots as they use flight simulators for the new Airbus A350- but can they hit the high standards required?
Where to Watch Inside British Airways
Inside British Airways is available for streaming on the Title Role website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Inside British Airways on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    September 4, 2015