Nightline Season 40 Episode 8
Season 40

Ep 8. Thu, Jan 10, 2019

  • TVG
  • January 10, 2019

ABC Nightline season 40 episode 8, which aired on Thu, Jan 10, 2019, delves into three unique and captivating stories. The first segment focuses on a growing phenomenon amongst millennials - the "van life" movement. As housing prices continue to skyrocket in cities across the US, many young people are opting for a more affordable and adventurous lifestyle by living out of their vans. The episode follows a couple who converted a Sprinter van into a cozy and functional living space, complete with a kitchen, bed, and composting toilet. They share the challenges and rewards of living on the road, from finding parking spots to discovering new places and cultures.

The second segment features an exclusive interview with actress and activist Alyssa Milano, who discusses her role in the #MeToo movement. Milano shares her personal experience of being sexually assaulted at a young age and explains how speaking out has helped her heal and encourage others to speak out too. She also addresses criticism of the movement, including concerns around false accusations, and emphasizes the importance of listening to survivors and believing them.

The final segment takes a look at the booming business of cannabis in California. With recreational marijuana now legal in the state, entrepreneurs are rushing to cash in on the industry by creating everything from high-end dispensaries to CBD-infused beverages. The episode explores the economic impact of the industry and the challenges it faces, including concerns around regulation and competition. It also features interviews with cannabis users who share their personal experiences with the plant and its benefits.

Overall, ABC Nightline season 40 episode 8 offers a diverse and thought-provoking lineup, showcasing the human stories behind some of today's most pressing issues.

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  • First Aired
    January 10, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language