Olivia Season 1 Episode 25
Season 1

Ep 25. Olivia Explores Outer Space/Olivia Becomes a Chef

  • TV-Y
  • April 24, 2010
  • 23 min

Olivia is an animated children's show that follows the imaginative adventures of a young pig named Olivia. In season 1 episode 25, Olivia Explores Outer Space/Olivia Becomes a Chef, Olivia sets her sights on two very different career paths.

In the first half of the episode, Olivia dreams of becoming an astronaut and exploring outer space. She dons her trusty astronaut helmet and jetpack and sets off on a mission to the moon. With her loyal dog Perry by her side, Olivia navigates her spaceship through the galaxy and lands on the lunar surface. There, she discovers a group of friendly aliens who show her around their lunar habitat. Olivia is fascinated by the extraterrestrial creatures and even helps them fix a broken machine. However, when it's time to return to Earth, Olivia realizes she misses her family and friends and decides that being an astronaut is not for her.

In the second half of the episode, Olivia becomes inspired by her mother's gourmet cooking and decides to try her hand at being a chef. She whips up a delicious fruit salad and serves it to her family for breakfast. They are all impressed by Olivia's culinary skills and encourage her to enter a cooking contest at the county fair. With the help of her family, Olivia enters the competition and prepares a mouthwatering chicken dish. Although she doesn't win first prize, the judges are impressed by Olivia's creativity and promise to try her recipe in their own kitchens.

Throughout the episode, Olivia's creativity and imagination are on full display. She explores the vastness of space and the complexities of cooking, all while learning valuable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and following her dreams. Olivia Explores Outer Space/Olivia Becomes a Chef is a charming and entertaining episode that is sure to delight young viewers.

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  • First Aired
    April 24, 2010
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    23 min
  • Language