One Day at a Time Season 2 Episode 2

Ep 2. Schooled

  • January 26, 2018
  • 7.8  (344)

The second episode of season 2 of the TV show "One Day at a Time" is entitled "Schooled." This episode follows the Alvarez family as they face various challenges in their daily lives. The main focus of the episode is on Elena, the daughter of Penelope and Victor. Elena is struggling to fit in at school and feels like an outsider among her classmates.

Throughout the episode, we see Elena trying to navigate the complexities of high school life. She is a smart and opinionated young woman who is passionate about social justice and equality. However, her classmates don't always understand or appreciate her passion, and she often feels isolated and misunderstood.

In one scene, we see Elena express her frustration to her mother, Penelope. She tells Penelope that she doesn't feel like she belongs and that she is tired of being the odd one out. Penelope tries to reassure Elena that being different is a strength, not a weakness. She tells her daughter that she is proud of her and that she believes in her.

Meanwhile, Penelope is also dealing with challenges of her own. She is a veteran of the U.S. Army and has been struggling with PTSD since her deployment. In this episode, we see her attend a therapy session to address her trauma. This is a difficult and emotional process for Penelope, but she is determined to get the help she needs.

The other members of the Alvarez family are also dealing with their own issues. Alex, the youngest member of the family, is struggling with his grades and is afraid of disappointing his parents. Lydia, Penelope's mother, is frustrated with her new job as a nurse's aide and is considering quitting.

Overall, the episode "Schooled" explores themes of identity, acceptance, and perseverance. It shows how each member of the Alvarez family is facing different challenges but is determined to push through and overcome them. The episode ends on a hopeful note, with the family coming together to support each other and celebrate small victories.

In summary, "Schooled" is a thoughtful and engaging episode of "One Day at a Time" that tackles important issues in a sensitive and nuanced way. It is a testament to the resilience and strength of the Alvarez family, and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we can find hope and support in those we love.

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One Day at a Time, Season 2 Episode 2, is available to watch and stream on Netflix. You can also buy, rent One Day at a Time on demand at Netflix online.
  • First Aired
    January 26, 2018
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.8  (344)