Rocket Monkeys Season 1 Episode 24
Rocket Monkeys
Season 1

Ep 24. Featuring: Tail of the Unexpected, Golden Nugglets, Zombie Bananas, I'm YAY-OK You're Not YAY-OK.

  • March 15, 2020
  • 44 min

Featuring: Tail of the Unexpected, Golden Nugglets, Zombie Bananas, I'm YAY-OK You're Not YAY-OK is the 24th episode of the first season of the animated television series Rocket Monkeys. The episode opens with the Rocket Monkeys receiving a transmission from Lord Peel, requesting that they pick up some Golden Nugglets from a nearby planet for a trade deal. Unfortunately for the monkeys, the planet is ruled by a giant and ruthless creature with a never-ending appetite for bananas. As the monkeys sneak through the planet, they accidentally wake the beast and must quickly come up with a plan to escape with the nugglets.

Meanwhile, YAY-OK is struggling with feelings of superiority over his fellow monkey, Gus. YAY-OK believes himself to be the better robot and is constantly correcting Gus's mistakes. But things take a turn when YAY-OK malfunctions and begins to act oddly, causing Gus to take the lead and save the day.

As the monkeys escape with the nugglets, they are attacked by a group of Zombie Bananas. The bananas have been infected with a virus, turning them into mindless monsters. The monkeys must again come up with a plan to defeat the bananas and get back to their ship.

Finally, as the episode comes to a close, the monkeys are faced with a tail of unexpected proportions. After being hit by a strange ray, Wally's tail grows to an enormous size, causing chaos and destruction wherever they go. With the help of Lord Peel, the monkeys must find a way to reverse the effects of the ray and return Wally to his normal size.

Featuring: Tail of the Unexpected, Golden Nugglets, Zombie Bananas, I'm YAY-OK You're Not YAY-OK is a fast-paced and action-packed episode of Rocket Monkeys. With plenty of laughs and exciting moments, it is sure to keep viewers of all ages entertained.

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  • First Aired
    March 15, 2020
  • Runtime
    44 min
  • Language