Search for Alien Worlds

Watch Search for Alien Worlds

  • 2015
  • 2 Seasons

Search for Alien Worlds from SpaceRip is a fascinating and educational show that delves into the world of space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life. Presented by astrophysicist and science communicator Matt O'Dowd, the half-hour episodes take viewers on a journey through the latest discoveries in astronomy and astrobiology, revealing the most promising candidates for potentially habitable planets outside our Solar System.

Each episode of Search for Alien Worlds is centered around a particular theme or topic, such as the search for Earth-like planets, the potential for life on moons of gas giants, and the latest developments in exoplanet hunting technology. Throughout the show, O'Dowd presents complex scientific concepts in an accessible and engaging manner, using stunning visualizations and animations to help viewers understand the latest research in astronomy and astrobiology.

One of the key strengths of Search for Alien Worlds is its focus on the human side of space exploration. O'Dowd travels to a variety of research facilities around the world, interviewing scientists and researchers working to discover new exoplanets and study their potential for habitability. The show also features interviews with leading experts in the field, including scientists from NASA and other space agencies, as well as authors and philosophers who contemplate the implications of discovering life beyond Earth.

One particularly interesting episode of Search for Alien Worlds explores the idea of "superhabitable" planets - worlds that may be even more hospitable to life than Earth. O'Dowd explains that while most exoplanet hunting focuses on finding other Earths, scientists are also exploring the potential for life on planets that are much older, larger, or have different atmospheric compositions than our own planet. Experts argue that these "superhabitable" worlds may be better suited for the development and sustenance of complex life.

Another episode focuses on the possibility of life on moons of gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn. O'Dowd explains that while these moons may not have the right atmospheric conditions for life on their surface, they may have subsurface oceans that could harbor living organisms. The episode explores the latest research on these enigmatic moons, including insights from the Hubble Space Telescope and NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which investigated the icy plumes of Enceladus and Europa.

Throughout the series, Search for Alien Worlds explores the latest developments in exoplanet hunting technology, which is constantly improving as scientists search for the tiny signals that indicate the presence of planets around distant stars. The show delves into the various methods used to detect exoplanets, including the transit method, radial velocity measurements, and direct imaging. It also examines the limitations of current technology and the potential for future missions, such as NASA's upcoming James Webb Space Telescope.

Overall, Search for Alien Worlds is a captivating and informative series that will appeal to anyone with an interest in space exploration, astronomy, and astrobiology. With its engaging host, stunning visuals, and complex scientific concepts presented in an accessible manner, the show is sure to leave viewers with a greater appreciation for the vastness of the cosmos and the excitement of the search for life beyond our Solar System.

Search for Alien Worlds is a series that is currently running and has 2 seasons (22 episodes). The series first aired on February 15, 2015.

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The Trappist Planet Discovery
12. The Trappist Planet Discovery
August 1, 2017
The Pale Red Dot campaign was launched to find a planet orbiting our nearest stellar neighbour, Proxima Centauri. Incredibly, the quest succeeded and astronomers detected a planet. The planet, Proxima b, falls within the habitable zone of its host star. It is by far the closest potential abode for alien life.
Proxima B: The Pale Red Dot
11. Proxima B: The Pale Red Dot
October 5, 2016
The Pale Red Dot campaign was launched to find a planet orbiting our nearest stellar neighbour, Proxima Centauri. Incredibly, the quest succeeded and astronomers detected a planet. The planet, Proxima b, falls within the habitable zone of its host star. It is by far the closest potential abode for alien life.
Earth Sized Planet Discoveries
10. Earth Sized Planet Discoveries
May 15, 2016
On the hunt for exoplanets, an international team of astronomers is probing a class of nearby stars known as ultracool dwarf stars. These are very dim stars, much cooler and redder than the Sun, and not much larger than Jupiter. But they are quite common, accounting for around 15% of the stars near to the Sun.
20 Years of Planet Hunting
9. 20 Years of Planet Hunting
May 15, 2016
State of the art instrumentation is at the forefront of a blizzard of exoplanet discoveries in the last two decades. These observations are feeding an enormous expansion in knowledge about the diverse range of exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Polarizing Planets
8. Polarizing Planets
February 15, 2015
A new type of exoplanet finder distinguishes the polarized light of planet atmospheres from the light of their parent stars. It offers an ingenious new way to tease out the light of a planet with the overwhelming brightness of a star. Adapted from EsoCast
Interstellar Space Flight: Daunting Facts
7. Interstellar Space Flight: Daunting Facts
February 15, 2015
We can build powerful rockets able to carry people and machines into orbit, or even vault them to the moon. But our fastest spacecraft don't hold a candle to the distances that define Interstellar Flight. So what's on the drawing boards?
Super Earths: 10 Major Discoveries
6. Super Earths: 10 Major Discoveries
January 1, 1970
Summary is not available.
Finding Earth's Twin
5. Finding Earth's Twin
February 15, 2015
Among the methods astronomers have used to discover extra solar planets, the most successful is a technique called transit photometry. It measures changes in a star's brightness caused when a planet crosses in front of its star along our line of sight.
Super Earth Discoveries
4. Super Earth Discoveries
February 15, 2015
Astronomers at the European Southern Observatory in Chile found out that 40 per cent of red dwarf stars are orbited by super-Earths. Red Dwarfs are by far the most common type of star in the Milky Way galaxy, so there might be tens of billions of such planets in our galaxy alone
Stunning New View of Planetary Genesis
3. Stunning New View of Planetary Genesis
February 15, 2015
A new image from ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, reveals extraordinarily fine detail that has never been seen before in the planet-forming disc around a young star.
Dust Traps and Planet Factories
2. Dust Traps and Planet Factories
February 15, 2015
Astronomers now know that planets around other stars are plentiful. But they do not fully understand how they form and there are many aspects of the formation of comets, planets and other rocky bodies that remain a mystery.
Glimpsing the Birth of the Solar System
1. Glimpsing the Birth of the Solar System
February 15, 2015
This video explores the famous solar system in the making, Beta Pictoris. Around this young hot star, a vast disk of dust and gas is now forming comets, asteroids, and planets.
Where to Watch Search for Alien Worlds
Search for Alien Worlds is available for streaming on the SpaceRip website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Search for Alien Worlds on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    February 15, 2015