Skip Beat! Season 1 Episode 10
Skip Beat!
Season 1

Ep 10. Episode 10

  • February 26, 2012

Kyoko finally receives her first acting job and is ecstatic to start working. However, she soon learns that her role is not what she expected as she has been cast as a chicken mascot for a children's show. Despite her initial disappointment, Kyoko is determined to give it her all and impress the director, as she sees it as a stepping stone to a more serious acting career.

As she struggles to adapt to her new role, Kyoko discovers that her fellow cast members are not all that they seem. One of the actors, Kusano, is particularly rude to Kyoko and constantly berates her for her lack of experience. Kyoko is determined to prove him wrong and puts in extra effort to perfect her performance, even going as far as studying chickens so that she can better understand how to mimic their movements.

Meanwhile, Ren is keeping a close eye on Kyoko's progress and is impressed by her dedication to the role. However, he is still struggling with his own conflicted feelings towards her and is unable to reconcile his past emotions with his present ones. Despite their growing closeness, Ren keeps his distance from Kyoko and continues to hide his true feelings from her.

As the day of the show approaches, tensions rise and Kyoko is pushed to her limit. Kusano's insults become increasingly vicious, and Kyoko begins to doubt herself and her abilities as an actress. However, just when things seem hopeless, she receives an unexpected boost of confidence from an unlikely source.

In the end, Kyoko's hard work pays off and she delivers a flawless performance as the chicken mascot. The director is pleased with her work and offers her another role in the show, this time as a more substantial character. Kyoko is ecstatic, as this is the opportunity she has been waiting for. However, as she celebrates her success, she realizes that her heart is still burdened by her unresolved feelings for Ren.

Overall, Episode 10 is a heartwarming and inspiring tale of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. Kyoko's journey as a fledgling actress is both entertaining and relatable, and her interactions with the other characters are full of humor and drama. With its strong storytelling and endearing characters, Skip Beat! is a must-watch for fans of the coming-of-age genre.

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  • First Aired
    February 26, 2012
  • Language