Survivor Season 20 Episode 3
Season 20

Ep 3. That Girl is Like a Virus

  • TVPG
  • February 25, 2010
  • 42 min
  • 8.0  (155)

In Survivor season 20 episode 3, titled "That Girl is Like a Virus," the castaways are still split into two tribes, Villains and Heroes. The episode opens with the Heroes tribe returning from tribal council, having just voted out one of their own, Sugar. The remaining members of the tribe are feeling the weight of their decision and are struggling to move forward.

Meanwhile, over on the Villains tribe, Russell is looking for the hidden immunity idol. He has a clue, but he's having a difficult time deciphering it. Parvati, who is in an alliance with Russell, tries to help him figure it out, but he ultimately decides to give up and focus on building relationships within the tribe.

The next day, the tribes compete in a reward challenge. The challenge involves swimming out to a raft, climbing up a ladder, and retrieving a bag of puzzle pieces. The first tribe to complete the puzzle wins a tarp to keep them dry in the rainy weather. The Heroes tribe starts out strong, with JT and Amanda leading the way, but they eventually fall behind, allowing the Villains to take the lead. The Villains manage to complete their puzzle first, winning the reward.

Back at the Villains camp, Russell and Parvati begin to scheme. They want to take out some of the stronger players on their tribe, like Tom and Colby, but they know they need to be careful about how they approach it. They decide to try to get Sandra and Courtney on their side, but they are hesitant to make a move.

The immunity challenge is an endurance challenge, where the castaways have to hold onto a pole for as long as possible. The last person standing wins immunity. The challenge is grueling, with rain pouring down on the castaways the entire time. In the end, it comes down to Rupert and Jerri. Rupert decides to make a deal with Jerri, saying he'll drop out of the challenge if she promises not to write his name down at tribal council. Jerri agrees, and Rupert drops out, giving Jerri immunity.

Back at camp, the Villains are faced with a difficult decision. Russell and Parvati want to take out Tom, but they aren't sure they have the numbers. Sandra and Courtney are undecided, and Danielle is loyal to the alliance. Russell decides to play his idol to ensure his safety, but he doesn't tell anyone about it. At tribal council, tensions are high as the castaways vote. In the end, it comes down to a tie between Tom and Courtney. In the revote, Courtney is voted out, leaving the Villains tribe in shock.

Overall, Survivor season 20 episode 3 is a tense episode, with alliances shifting and castaways making difficult decisions. The rainy weather adds to the drama, making the challenges even more difficult. The episode sets up some interesting dynamics for future episodes, as the Villains tribe struggles to stay cohesive and the Heroes tribe deals with the aftermath of their vote.

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  • First Aired
    February 25, 2010
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    42 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.0  (155)