Testing Milton Friedman

Watch Testing Milton Friedman

  • 2012
  • 1 Season

Testing Milton Friedman from Free To Choose Media was a television series that aired in 2012 featuring prominent journalists and academics who explored the legacy of economist Milton Friedman, one of the most influential figures in modern economic thought. The show was a retrospective examination of his ideas and the economic policies that he championed throughout his lifetime.

The show was hosted by Emily Rooney, a veteran television journalist, and Walter Williams, an economics professor at George Mason University. The series was divided into six segments, each dedicated to a different aspect of Friedman's work, from his rigorous stance on free markets to his controversial views on public education.

Throughout the series, Rooney and Williams engaged in lively conversations with leading experts in economics, politics, and public policy, as well as with ordinary citizens who had been impacted by Friedman's ideas in their daily lives. The discussion was always informed by Friedman's maxim that "there's no such thing as a free lunch," which underpinned his belief in the efficiency of free markets and the importance of individual choice.

One of the key themes of the show was the tension between Friedman's libertarian philosophy and the challenges posed by an increasingly complex world. At a time when global economic crises, income inequality, and climate change are pressing issues, Testing Milton Friedman grappled with the question of whether Friedman's ideas are still relevant today and if the free market really can be relied upon to solve these problems.

One of the highlights of the series was an episode that explored Friedman's views on education. The show examined the growth of charter schools and the privatization of education in America, and how these movements are often seen as an extension of Friedman's belief in the power of the free market. Rooney and Williams spoke with school administrators, teachers, and parents to understand how these ideas are playing out in real life, and whether they are achieving their intended results.

Another episode focused on Friedman's seminal book, Capitalism and Freedom, which argued that economic freedom is essential to political freedom. The show explored the impact of global capitalism on democracy, and whether the increasing power wielded by multinational corporations is undermining the sovereignty of nation-states. Rooney and Williams spoke with economists, political scientists, and activists who offered differing insights into this complex issue.

Throughout the series, Rooney and Williams were careful to present a balanced and nuanced view of Friedman's ideas. While they acknowledged the significant impact he has had on neoliberal economic thought, they also challenged some of his assumptions and highlighted areas where his ideas may have fallen short or been misinterpreted. Ultimately, the show was a fascinating exploration of an enduring legacy that continues to shape the way we think about the world around us.

In conclusion, Testing Milton Friedman from Free To Choose Media was a thought-provoking television series that delved into the ideas and legacy of one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. The show tackled a wide range of topics, from education and democracy to capitalism and globalization, and offered fresh insights into the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing world. Rooney and Williams' engaging and insightful commentary, combined with the diverse perspectives of their guests, made this series a must-watch for anyone interested in economics, politics, or public policy.

Testing Milton Friedman is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (3 episodes). The series first aired on September 16, 2012.

Filter by Source

Free Markets
3. Free Markets
September 30, 2012
The panel discusses the classic explanations and demonstrations of the workings and benefits of a free market and economic freedom. The panelists are: Kevin Murphy, Raghuram Rajan, Dani Rodrik, and Brad DeLong.
Government Control
2. Government Control
September 23, 2012
A discussion of what can occur when legislators, often in collusion with big business, intervene in the market. This program features: Amity Shlaes, Bryan Caplan, Austan Goolsbee, and Clarence Page.
Equality of Opportunity
1. Equality of Opportunity
September 16, 2012
The panelists explore Friedman's ideas and the possible implications of equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. The panelists include: Walter Williams, Shikha Dalmia, Matthew Yglesias, and John Bouman.
Where to Watch Testing Milton Friedman
Testing Milton Friedman is available for streaming on the Free To Choose Media website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Testing Milton Friedman on demand at Amazon.
  • Premiere Date
    September 16, 2012