The Fugitive Season 1 Episode 7
The Fugitive
Season 1

Ep 7. Again

  • August 7, 2020
  • 6.9  (76)

In The Fugitive season 1 episode 7, titled "Again," Dr. Richard Kimble continues his quest to clear his name and find the real killer of his wife. This time, he finds himself working with a former colleague, Dr. Karen Peterson, who was fired from the same hospital as him, and who Richard believes may have vital information to help his case.

As Richard and Karen work together, they uncover a conspiracy involving a pharmaceutical company and a dangerous drug trial that could have led to his wife's murder. Meanwhile, Detective Clay Bryce is hot on Richard's trail, determined to bring him back to justice.

Throughout the episode, there are tense moments as Richard and Karen race against time to piece together the clues and uncover the truth. There are also emotional moments as Richard grapples with the loss of his wife and the toll it has taken on his life.

The storytelling in this episode is top-notch, with well-crafted twists and turns that keep the viewer engaged and guessing until the very end. The performances by the cast, particularly Kiefer Sutherland as Detective Bryce and Boyd Holbrook as Richard Kimble, are excellent, adding depth and nuance to their characters.

Overall, The Fugitive season 1 episode 7 is a must-see for fans of the series and those who enjoy compelling drama with a strong mystery element. It is a perfect example of why this show has become one of the most talked-about offerings on television today.

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  • First Aired
    August 7, 2020
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.9  (76)