Top Wing Season 2 Episode 15
Top Wing
Season 2

Ep 15. Topwing Rescues Survivor Bear

  • TV-Y
  • December 21, 2018
  • 22 min

In Top Wing season 2 episode 15, titled "Topwing Rescues Survivor Bear," the Top Wing cadets must help rescue a bear who has been stranded on a rock in the middle of a raging river.

The episode opens with the Top Wing cadets, Swift, Penny, Rod, and Brody, on their way to deliver supplies to Big Swirl Island. On the way, they spot a bear who has been washed down the river and is now stranded on a rock in the middle of the rapids.

The cadets spring into action, with Swift using his jetpack to fly to the bear's location while Penny uses her hang-glider to fly above the river and keep an eye out for any dangers. Rod and Brody take their rescue vehicles, the Road-Wing and Aqua-Wing, respectively, to the river banks in case they are needed.

Upon reaching the bear, Swift tries to rescue it on his own, but soon realizes that he needs the help of his friends. Together, they come up with a plan to rescue the bear, which involves using their individual skills and equipment.

Penny uses her hang-glider to create a wind shield, which helps to calm the river's currents and create a steady landing spot for Swift. Rod and Brody use their vehicles to clear the debris in the river and create a path for the bear to swim to safety.

The rescue mission is not without its obstacles. The cadets encounter strong currents, rock formations, and even a family of beavers who try to stop them from rescuing the bear. But with their bravery, quick thinking, and teamwork, the Top Wing cadets are able to navigate through these challenges and successfully rescue the bear.

As the episode comes to a close, the bear is safe and sound on dry land, and the Top Wing cadets receive praise from the local islanders for their heroic actions. They are once again reminded that being a part of the Top Wing team means working together to help those in need.

Overall, Top Wing season 2 episode 15 is a thrilling and action-packed episode that showcases the importance of teamwork, bravery, and quick thinking in the face of danger. The cadets' courageous actions serve as a reminder that even the most challenging missions can be accomplished when working together.

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  • First Aired
    December 21, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language