Vice News Tonight Season 2 Episode 40

Ep 40. Episode 40

  • March 2, 2017

Vice News Tonight season 2 episode 40, titled "Episode 40," features a diverse range of stories from around the world.

The episode begins with a segment on the ongoing crisis in Syria, focusing on the current state of the war and the impact it is having on civilians. The segment provides a detailed look at the devastating effects of the conflict, including the displacement of millions of people, the destruction of homes and infrastructure, and the struggle for basic necessities like food and water.

Next, the show delves into the issue of climate change, with a focus on the impact of greenhouse gases on the world's oceans. Viewers are taken on a journey through the world's oceans, as experts discuss the ways in which rising temperatures and acidity levels are affecting the delicate ecosystems that exist beneath the surface. The segment highlights the urgent need for action to reduce carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases, in order to protect our oceans and the millions of species that call them home.

The episode then moves on to a segment about the Rohingya refugee crisis, which has seen more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims flee persecution in Myanmar and seek refuge in neighboring Bangladesh. The segment explores the challenges faced by aid agencies in providing assistance to the refugees, and showcases the inspiring ingenuity and resilience of the Rohingya people as they adapt to life in the sprawling refugee camps that have sprung up across the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

Later, the show turns its attention to Brazil, where far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro is campaigning for president on a populist platform that includes promises to crackdown on crime and corruption, and roll back protections for indigenous lands and the environment. The segment features interviews with Bolsonaro supporters and critics, as well as with indigenous people who are fighting to protect their communities and their way of life from the potential impact of his policies.

Finally, the episode takes a look at the world of professional wrestling, with a segment that explores the physical and psychological demands of the sport. Viewers are taken behind the scenes at a wrestling school, where aspiring wrestlers learn the skills and techniques that will be required of them if they hope to make it to the big leagues. The segment also touches on the darker side of the sport, including the toll it can take on wrestlers' bodies and the intense pressure to perform that can lead to substance abuse and other problems.

Overall, Vice News Tonight season 2 episode 40 is a thought-provoking and engaging look at some of the most pressing issues facing the world today, from global conflict and climate change to populism and the world of professional wrestling.

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  • First Aired
    March 2, 2017
  • Language