Weight Loss For Night Shift Workers

Watch Weight Loss For Night Shift Workers

  • 1969
  • 1 Season

Weight Loss For Night Shift Workers is an inspiring and instructional show that helps those who work the night shift to achieve their weight loss goals. This show is hosted by Brad Newton, a renowned fitness expert from SeekFitLife, who shares his expertise and experience with night shift workers to help them lose weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

The show is designed to address the unique challenges that come with working the night shift. For instance, night shift workers are often required to stay up late or sleep during the day, which interferes with their circadian rhythms and may lead to weight gain. Additionally, they may be more prone to snacking or eating unhealthy foods due to a lack of suitable options in the workplace or at home.

Brad Newton offers practical tips and insights for overcoming these challenges and achieving long-term weight loss success. The show features a range of topics, from exercise routines to meal planning and mindfulness techniques. Brad also interviews experts in the field of nutrition, fitness, and health to provide viewers with the most up-to-date information and advice.

One of the key themes of Weight Loss For Night Shift Workers is the importance of consistency and accountability. Brad encourages viewers to set realistic goals and develop a plan that they can stick to over time. He emphasizes the need for a holistic approach that takes into account not just exercise and diet but also sleep, stress management, and emotional well-being.

Another important aspect of the show is the focus on community and support. Brad encourages viewers to connect with other night shift workers who are also striving to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He offers tips for building a support system, such as joining a fitness group or partnering with a workout buddy.

Throughout the show, Brad Newton showcases his passion for fitness and his commitment to helping others achieve their goals. His enthusiasm is contagious, and viewers are sure to be inspired by his dedication and expertise. Whether you're a night shift worker looking to lose weight or simply interested in learning more about health and wellness, Weight Loss For Night Shift Workers is a must-watch show.

Overall, Weight Loss For Night Shift Workers is an informative and engaging show that provides practical advice and guidance for anyone looking to achieve their weight loss goals. With Brad Newton's expert insights and inspiring approach, viewers are sure to feel empowered to take control of their health and wellbeing.

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Your Mission--14 Day Challenge
26. Your Mission--14 Day Challenge
In this video, I will summarise everything we have discussed in this course. I will give you additional practical strategies that will address common concerns that you can apply as a night shift worker to accelerate your success in this program. I will reinforce realistic expectations that you should experience by the end of 14 days.
Training--Caffeine And Weight Training
25. Training--Caffeine And Weight Training
Do you use coffee to survive your night shift roster? Are you interested in how you can use caffeine strategically to improve your weight training sessions to allow you to build more muscle as a night shift worker? In this video coaching session, I will teach you how caffeine can be used to boost your weight training sessions without exceeding your recommended daily intake of caffeine.
Training--Hotel Gyms
24. Training--Hotel Gyms
In this video coaching session, you will learn how to use hotel gyms to your advantage to ensure you remain on track for weight loss. You will no longer despair as I will explain exactly what it means to your weight loss efforts if you only have access to hotel gyms (and not "traditional" gyms with all of the luxury choices).
Training--Weight Training Guidelines (Part 2)
23. Training--Weight Training Guidelines (Part 2)
In this video session, I introduce a suggested list of exercises targeting each muscle group that, when applied against the core guidelines discussed in Part 1, will accelerate your muscle building results (combined with good nutrition).
Training--Weight Training Guidelines (Part 1)
22. Training--Weight Training Guidelines (Part 1)
In this video, I introduce an optional set of weight training guidelines for night shift workers that are looking at incorporating weight training. This video introduces a summary of the basic weight training concepts I have been using for several years.
Training--Dynamic Warm-Ups
21. Training--Dynamic Warm-Ups
It is essential that you begin any weight training session with several sets of dynamic warm-ups. This will reduce your risk of injury and psychologically prepare you for the up-and-coming working sets. In this video coaching session, I will teach you a simple dynamic warm-up process that I have been using for years.
Training--Do You Need To Exercise?
20. Training--Do You Need To Exercise?
In this video coaching session, you will learn what really matters when it comes to weight loss for a night shift worker. You will learn what I do and how you can structure an exercise or training session around your own night shift roster.
Blueprint--Monitoring And Adjusting
19. Blueprint--Monitoring And Adjusting
What do you do if you apply the strategies in this course and after the first 1-2 weeks, do your measurements and notice that nothing has changed? By the end of this coaching video, I will teach you a foolproof way to identify and break through weight loss plateaus using a systematic set of strategies. It will ensure that you will no longer be frustrated by the feeling of "not making progress."
Blueprint--Step 4. Create A Spreadsheet
18. Blueprint--Step 4. Create A Spreadsheet
In this video session, you will learn simple strategies for creating your own weight loss spreadsheet, using the foods you enjoy the most that will guarantee reaching your goals. You will learn how simple it is to use Calorie King or MyNetDiary to determine the calories of certain portion sizes, add them into your spreadsheet, follow it, and be patient for the results.
Blueprint--Step 3. Pick Your Favourite Foods
17. Blueprint--Step 3. Pick Your Favourite Foods
In this video coaching session, I am going to show you how you can select the foods you enjoy the most and still lose weight.
Blueprint--Step 2. Calculate Maintenance And Target Calories (Part 2)
16. Blueprint--Step 2. Calculate Maintenance And Target Calories (Part 2)
Would you like to know how many calories you need to safely lose weight while eating the foods you enjoy, without starving yourself or destroying your metabolism (or your sanity)? In this video coaching lesson, you will learn the step-by-step process for calculating your target calories, or the amount of calories you need to eat in order to reach your goal as a night shift worker.
Blueprint--Step 1. Progress Photo Guidelines
14. Blueprint--Step 1. Progress Photo Guidelines
After watching this coaching video, you will not make the same mistakes that I made by learning everything you need to know to take decent progress photos to ensure consistency and accurate recording of your journey.
Blueprint--Progress By Numbers
13. Blueprint--Progress By Numbers
If you don't measure it, you don't know it. In this video training session, I will teach you how you can track your progress using simple and cost-effective strategies during your weight loss journey as a night shift worker.
Calories--Calories Are A Currency
12. Calories--Calories Are A Currency
In this video, I use currency as an analogy to describe calories and how a night shift worker should consider their "currency allowance" (calories) in 24 hour blocks of time, especially if working across different time zones (pilots, flight attendants). I discuss the psychology of managing self-defeat on days where willpower is low.
Calories--The Twinkie Diet Professor
11. Calories--The Twinkie Diet Professor
In this video, you will learn how professor Mark Haub lost 27 pounds over 2 months where most of his calories came from foods we are told not to eat to "lose weight."
Calories--Energy Balance
10. Calories--Energy Balance
In this video, you will learn the defining factor that influences all weight loss and weight gain. You will learn how you can still eat ice cream and lose weight. You will learn how a "calorie is a calorie" for achieving a specific goal and when a calorie is not a calorie.
Mindset--Night Shift For Beginners
9. Mindset--Night Shift For Beginners
Anybody that has just started a night shift job and wanting to lose weight will be given a systematic approach to applying the strategies in this course.
Mindset--Dealing With Colleagues
8. Mindset--Dealing With Colleagues
Peer group influences are one of the subconscious forces upon why we decide to pursue our aspirations, or why we ultimately fail. In this video, I will bring to your awareness how your colleagues (and peer groups) may negatively impact your desire to transform your body due to the tall poppy syndrome.
Mindset--Starting The Fire
7. Mindset--Starting The Fire
Knowing what to do and doing what you know create very different outcomes. In this video, I explain that leveraging yourself to take action to start a transformation begins with creating emotional fuel. I share my own personal experience that created the tipping point necessary for me to turn this area of my life around.
Mindset--Know Your Outcome
6. Mindset--Know Your Outcome
In this video, we get clear on what our precise outcome is for this course, distinguishing between weight loss and fat loss. I discuss the power of a vision and how it is essential to always keep your outcome in mind when undertaking a body transformation. I will show you how I created my own vision to hopefully inspire you to create your own vision for greatness.
Mindset--The Power Of Patience
5. Mindset--The Power Of Patience
In this coaching video, you will learn one of the most important traits in being successful in any body transformation-patience! And why most people fail in any dietary program due to the lack of this trait.
Welcome Mat--What You Should Expect
4. Welcome Mat--What You Should Expect
Most people quit a dietary program because clear expectations for realistic weight loss were never established. By the end of this video, you will be absolutely clear on what you should expect from this course, and the amount of weight you should be able to lose if the principles in this course are correctly applied.
Welcome Mat--How To Use This Course
3. Welcome Mat--How To Use This Course
For this video course to be successful, you must take notes and apply the principles. There are no notes, homework, or downloadable materials. At times, you will need to pause the video and take notes. All videos need to be watched in order because every video is based on the concepts taught in the previous videos.
Welcome Mat--Your Instructor
2. Welcome Mat--Your Instructor
In this video, I will share with you my night shift journey and how I still continue to do night shift in my corporate job, at the time of filming. I use my story to inspire you as a night shift worker and that you can absolutely achieve weight loss as a night shift worker on your terms.
Welcome Mat--My Personal Message To You
1. Welcome Mat--My Personal Message To You
In this video, I address the fear and scepticism you might have in starting this course. This course asks that you start with an open mind and a clean slate.