
Watch WTFood

  • 2017
  • 2 Seasons

WTFood is a digital TV show starring Lindsay Funston, a food editor at Delish. Produced by Hearst Digital Media, the show originally aired on YouTube in 2017. The show centers around the concept of "what the food," or unconventional twists on classic dishes that often elicit the reaction: "What the food did I just eat?" Lindsay, along with a rotating cast of food industry experts, takes viewers through the creation of each dish step-by-step, providing insight into the inspiration behind the unique combinations of flavors and textures.

One of the standout features of WTFood is the show's commitment to experimentation. Lindsay and her guests are unafraid to take risks and combine unexpected ingredients in new and exciting ways. From Cheetos-crusted chicken tenders to nacho-style sweet potatoes, each dish pushes the boundaries of what we expect from traditional cuisine.

While the show is definitely geared towards foodies and culinary enthusiasts, it also has a playful tone that makes it accessible to a wider audience. Lindsay's humor and enthusiasm are infectious, and her guests often share her sense of lightheartedness.

In addition to the unique recipes, WTFood also features segments that provide insight into food trends and techniques. For example, Lindsay and her guests explore the science behind fermentation and the rise of the Instant Pot craze. These segments are informative without feeling overly academic, and help to ground the show in the broader context of the food world.

For those who love to cook, the show is a goldmine of interesting ideas and inspiration. While some of the recipes may be too outlandish for some tastes (a pizza with a crust made entirely of chicken tenders comes to mind), the basic techniques and flavor combinations on display can easily be adapted to suit individual preferences.

Perhaps most appealing about WTFood is its vibe of creativity and exploration. Each episode is a celebration of experimentation and trying new things, both in terms of the food being prepared and the show's overall format. As a viewer, it's impossible not to feel inspired to embark on some culinary adventures of your own after watching an episode.

Overall, WTFood is an entertaining, informative, and delicious addition to the world of culinary TV. Whether you're a diehard foodie or just looking for a fun and unconventional twist on classic dishes, this show is sure to satisfy.

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Pickle Donuts
5. Pickle Donuts
April 18, 2018
When I first happened upon Hurts Donut's Pickle Donut, I wasn't even surprised -nothing can phase me at this point, guys. I had to get to the bottom of how this donut even came together.
Pickle Ice Cream
3. Pickle Ice Cream
April 18, 2018
Pickle, meet ice cream. No, we haven't lost our minds. We found the ice cream at Little Baby's in Philadelphia. They make all kinds of bizarre flavors: buttered popcorn and maple BBQ were on the menu when we visited them last week. But none is quite as special as the Cucumber Dill.
Beer Pickles
2. Beer Pickles
April 18, 2018
When we embarked on this little pickle journey of ours, we had no idea how many types of pickles there were in the world. Disclaimer: A LOT. After we discovered Whiskey Pickles in Brooklyn, the owner's friend Jason Poole, who owns his own pickle biz, Preservation & co., in California, emailed me about his boozy pickles: Hefeweizen Bread & Butters. We had to investigate.
Brussels Sprout Pickles
1. Brussels Sprout Pickles
April 18, 2018
We got ourselves in a little bit of a pickle with the last season of WTFood: You all LOVED our video on Pickle Vodka and Whiskey Pickles - so much so that we decided to dedicate a whole slew of episodes to pickles. Look no further than Brooklyn, the epicenter of hipster picklers, for this week's find: BRUSSELS SPROUTS PICKLES.
  • Premiere Date
    October 26, 2017