WWE Superstar Collection Randy Orton Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. John Cena, Night of Champions - July 26, 2009

  • September 3, 2012

In the second episode of the WWE Superstar Collection featuring Randy Orton, fans are treated to an explosive Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship. Taking place at Night of Champions on July 26, 2009, this match sees Randy Orton pitted against some of the biggest names in wrestling: Triple H and John Cena.

From the moment the bell rings, the tension is palpable. Each wrestler is eager to come out as the victor, and none are willing to give an inch. The audience is on the edge of their seats, waiting to see who will make the first move.

As the match heats up, the action spills out of the ring. The three competitors use everything at their disposal to gain the upper hand, including steel chairs and the announcers' table. Despite the chaos, each wrestler remains focused on the prize - the WWE Championship.

The audience is treated to some incredible displays of athleticism and strength, as each wrestler tries to outdo the other. Randy Orton, known for his signature RKO move, delivers several devastating blows to both Triple H and John Cena. However, his opponents are equally determined, and they keep coming back for more.

As the match reaches its climax, it becomes clear that there can only be one winner. The tension in the arena is almost unbearable, as the three wrestlers go all-out in their bid to claim the WWE Championship belt.

In the end, fans are treated to an unforgettable ending. The winner emerges with the belt held high, bathed in the adulation of the crowd. But which wrestler will it be - Randy Orton, Triple H, or John Cena?

The second episode of the WWE Superstar Collection featuring Randy Orton is a must-see for fans of wrestling. With its explosive action, incredible displays of athleticism, and nail-biting conclusion, this Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship is a classic moment in wrestling history.

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  • First Aired
    September 3, 2012
  • Language