En Busca de Monstruos

Watch En Busca de Monstruos

  • 2007
  • 4 Seasons

En Busca de Monstruos is a captivating Spanish language show on History en Español that takes viewers on a journey of exploration and discovery to seek out the truth behind some of the world's most fascinating and infamous monsters. Throughout each episode, a team of experts travels to different regions around the world to explore unique and legendary creatures, including Bigfoot, the Chupacabra, and the Loch Ness Monster.

Each episode follows a specific formula, beginning with an introduction to the monster of focus and its mysterious history. The team then travels to the location where the monster has been most commonly spotted or suspected to reside. Along the way, they interview local residents and experts, gather evidence, and use advanced technology to investigate the sightings. The experts analyze the evidence and share their theories on what the creature could be, while the show provides fascinating historical background and theories around these creatures.

The show is highly entertaining and visually appealing, with stunning footage of the natural landscapes where these creatures are traditionally believed to dwell. One of the strengths of En Busca de Monstruos is its ability to meld scientific analysis with folklore and history to create a well-rounded narrative that engages both skeptics and believers. The show provides a platform for experts to share their knowledge on the subject while continually reminding the viewer that there's little to no concrete proof on the existence of these mysterious creatures.

The team members themselves are all highly accomplished professionals in their respective fields, adding another layer of intrigue and credibility to the overall show. There's a distinct feeling of authenticity and sincerity throughout each episode, as the team is clearly invested in uncovering the truth behind each monster. By the end of each episode, viewers are given a well-informed opinion on what the creature could be, whether it's a natural animal or a complete fabrication of humans' wild imaginations.

One of the show's most significant assets is the wide range of creatures that it covers. From the Yeti in Nepal to the Jersey Devil in the United States, the show travels to various parts of the world, exploring the different cultural and historical beliefs associated with each monster. Each creature has a unique story, and En Busca de Monstruos does an excellent job of bringing those stories to life with captivating visuals and interviews.

En Busca de Monstruos is an ideal show for viewers who enjoy a mix of adventure, history, and scientific analysis. With each episode's engaging content, viewers will be left on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what the team will discover next. Whether you're a die-hard skeptic or a true believer in the existence of these creatures, there's something for everyone to enjoy in En Busca de Monstruos. So why not join the team on this mystical journey and see what you might discover?

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El Hombre Lobo Americano
9. El Hombre Lobo Americano
March 24, 2010
La historia cuenta que una bestia grande y similar a un lobo es simplemente una leyenda, pero metraje recientemente descubierto y nuevos testigos dicen que hay algo aterrador afuera.
Sasquatch de la Sierra
8. Sasquatch de la Sierra
March 17, 2010
Antiguos petroglifos en las montañas de la Sierra Nevada muestran huellas dejadas por manadas aterradoras de bestias de aspecto humano.
Lagartijas Monstruos
7. Lagartijas Monstruos
March 10, 2010
En otono de 1952, testigos en Flatwoods, West Virginia, dicen haber tenido un encuentro con una bestia horripilante de aspecto humano pero con piel de reptil.
Durante siglos, el Amazonas ha sido hogar del monstruo mas feroz de agua dulce jamas conocido: la piraña. Ahora, estos mortales peces aparecen en lagos y ríos de los Estados Unidos. El equipo de En Busca de Monstruos investiga.
6. Durante siglos, el Amazonas ha sido hogar del monstruo mas feroz de agua dulce jamas conocido: la piraña. Ahora, estos mortales peces aparecen en lagos y ríos de los Estados Unidos. El equipo de En Busca de Monstruos investiga.
March 3, 2010
Durante siglos, el Amazonas ha sido hogar del monstruo mas feroz de agua dulce jamas conocido: la piraña. Ahora, estos mortales peces aparecen en lagos y ríos de los Estados Unidos. El equipo de En Busca de Monstruos investiga.
Hombre Polilla
5. Hombre Polilla
February 10, 2010
En 1967, un enorme monstruo con alas aterrorizo los cielos de un pequeño pueblo de Virginia, causando 46 muertes. Con nuevas visiones en todo el país, quiz'ás la criatura se prepara para regresar.
Gigantescas Abejas Asesinas
4. Gigantescas Abejas Asesinas
February 3, 2010
Hace mas de 50 anos, los científicos sudamericanos intentaron cruzar especies de abejas que producirían mas miel que nunca.
Gigantescos Pitones en America
3. Gigantescos Pitones en America
January 27, 2010
Una mortal y silenciosa amenaza atraviesa Florida y se dirige hacia el norte. Por mas de 100 años, gigantescos pitones han sido descubiertos en el soleado estado.
Tiburones Monstruos
1. Tiburones Monstruos
January 13, 2010
Los grandes tiburones blancos son los asesinos mas mortales del océano,y al acercarse cada vez mas a nuestras playas, los ataques contra los humanos est'án en aumento.
  • Premiere Date
    October 31, 2007