Escape From The Third Reich

Watch Escape From The Third Reich

  • NR
  • 2015
  • 1 hr 19 min
  • 6.0  (98)

Escape From The Third Reich is a gripping historical drama film that transports the viewer to the horrors of Nazi Germany. It was released in 2015 and stars Yaara Benbenishty as Sara, a Jewish woman who is desperately trying to evade the clutches of the SS in order to avoid being sent to a concentration camp. The film also stars Alexandre Nguyen as Julian, a member of the French Resistance who is working in Berlin to try to undermine the Nazi regime, and Markus von Lingen as Klaus, a German soldier who is struggling with his conscience as he is forced to carry out the orders of his superiors.

The film opens with Sara's family being rounded up and sent to a concentration camp. Sara manages to escape and makes her way to Berlin, where she begins hiding in the city's underground tunnels. Julian, who is working undercover as a Nazi officer, discovers her and decides to help her by providing her with food and shelter. However, their plans are put in jeopardy when Klaus, one of Julian's colleagues, becomes suspicious of their activities and starts to investigate.

Throughout the film, the tension builds as Sara and Julian try to evade the SS and Klaus, while at the same time working towards their shared goal of bringing down the Nazi regime. There are many heart-stopping moments, such as when Sara is almost discovered by SS soldiers while hiding in a train station, and when Julian has to bluff his way through a terrifying encounter with a high-ranking Nazi officer.

One of the strengths of Escape From The Third Reich is the way it humanizes the characters on both sides of the conflict. While the Nazis are clearly the villains of the piece, the film takes the time to show that not all Germans supported Hitler's regime, and that many were deeply conflicted about the actions being carried out in their name. Klaus, in particular, is a complex and sympathetic character who is torn between his loyalty to his country and his horror at the atrocities being committed in its name.

The film is also notable for its attention to historical accuracy. The sets and costumes are meticulously researched, and the film makes effective use of archival footage to give a sense of the scale and brutality of the Nazi regime. The dialogue is in both German and French, which adds to the authenticity of the film and helps to create a sense of immersion for the viewer.

Overall, Escape From The Third Reich is a powerful and moving film that captures the horror and bravery of those who lived through one of the darkest periods in human history. It is a testament to the resilience and the human spirit that was able to survive such unimaginable horror, and a reminder of the importance of never forgetting the lessons of the past.

Escape From The Third Reich
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 19 min
  • IMDB Rating
    6.0  (98)