Opossing Force

Watch Opossing Force

  • R
  • 1986
  • 1 hr 41 min

Opposing Force is a 1986 American action film directed by Eric Karson and starring Tom Skerritt, Lisa Eichorn, and Richard Roundtree. The movie is set in a US military prison in Panama, and the plot revolves around an investigation into a murder committed by two female inmates. Tom Skerritt plays the lead role of Colonel Casey, a high-ranking military officer who is dispatched to the prison in Panama to investigate the murder. Once he arrives, he becomes embroiled in a web of deceit and betrayal as he tries to uncover the truth about what happened. The two female suspects are played by Lisa Eichorn and Susan Blanchard, who both give strong performances as women with violent pasts and questionable motives. Richard Roundtree also features prominently in the film as Sergeant Calloway, Casey's second-in-command and confidant.

Opposing Force has a tense and thrilling plot that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The film is well-paced, with plenty of suspenseful moments and action sequences that keep the momentum going. The setting of the military prison in Panama adds an interesting layer of complexity to the plot, as the characters are forced to navigate both the dangers of the prison environment and the politics of the military hierarchy.

The performances in the film are generally strong, with Skerritt and Eichorn delivering standout performances in their respective roles. Skerritt brings gravitas and a quiet intensity to the role of Colonel Casey, portraying a character who is both tough and vulnerable as he tries to uncover the truth about the murder. Eichorn is equally compelling as one of the female suspects, creating a character who is both sympathetic and terrifying in equal measure.

Visually, Opposing Force is a well-crafted film that uses its setting to great effect. The scenes set within the prison are suitably gritty and claustrophobic, conveying the sense of danger and tension that permeates the environment. The scenes set outside of the prison also have a strong sense of place, with the lush Panamanian landscape providing a beautiful and striking contrast to the brutal nature of the story.

Overall, Opposing Force is an excellent example of a tense and gripping action thriller. The film benefits from a strong cast, a well-crafted plot, and effective use of its setting to create a sense of danger and tension. While it may not be the most revolutionary film of its genre, it is a high-quality piece of entertainment that will satisfy fans of action and suspense alike.

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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 41 min