The Edgar Wallace Mysteries: Clue of the Twisted Candle

Watch The Edgar Wallace Mysteries: Clue of the Twisted Candle

  • 1960
  • 59 hr

The Edgar Wallace Mysteries: Clue of the Twisted Candle is a British crime thriller film directed by Allan Davis and starring Bernard Lee, David Knight, and Honor Blackman. Released in 1960, the movie is based on the novel of the same name by English author Edgar Wallace. The film begins with an introduction to wealthy business tycoon Gordon Stuart (Bernard Lee), who is found dead in his study under mysterious circumstances. The police are baffled by the case as they fail to find any apparent motive or clue to solve the murder. However, when Detective Inspector Elk (David Knight) takes over the case, he begins to unearth a series of secrets and lies that lead him to suspects and possible motives.

One of the key suspects is Stuart's nephew, Richard (Geoffrey Keen), with whom he had a bitter feud and a history of violence. Moreover, Richard's wife, Mary (Jeanne Moody), was having an affair with Stuart's son, Paul (Ralph Truman), and his mistress, Marion Gibson (Honor Blackman), was also present at the scene of the crime. As Elk delves deeper into the case, he discovers that Stuart was involved in several corrupt business deals and blackmail schemes, making him vulnerable to enemies who had a motive to kill him.

As the investigation progresses, Elk uncovers a web of secrets and deception that puts him in danger. He is drugged and kidnapped by the culprits, who try to silence him permanently. However, Elk's quick thinking and sleuthing skills help him to turn the tables on his captors and solve the mystery of the twisted candle.

The Edgar Wallace Mysteries: Clue of the Twisted Candle is a classic whodunit story that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats. The film is shot in black and white, which adds to its ominous and atmospheric tone. The suspenseful soundtrack and crisp dialogues enhance the overall appeal of the movie.

The acting performances are top-notch, with Bernard Lee delivering a commanding portrayal of the victim, Stuart. David Knight is excellent as the young and assertive detective, Elk, who is relentless in his pursuit of justice. Honor Blackman is alluring as the femme fatale, Marion Gibson, who uses her wits and charm to evade suspicion. The supporting cast is equally impressive, with Geoffrey Keen and Jeanne Moody providing convincing performances as the prime suspects.

The direction and screenplay of the film are well-crafted, with the pacing and plot twists keeping the audience engaged till the very end. The climax of the movie is a fitting conclusion to a gripping narrative, with all loose ends tied up and the mystery solved.

In conclusion, The Edgar Wallace Mysteries: Clue of the Twisted Candle is a must-watch movie for fans of the crime and mystery genre. The film's well-rounded characters, engaging plot, and atmospheric settings make it a timeless classic that still holds up today. The movie leaves a lasting impression on the viewers, inspiring them to unravel the secrets and motives behind each character's actions.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    59 hr