The Method - Jab, Kick and Burn

Watch The Method - Jab, Kick and Burn

  • NR
  • 55 min
  •   (11)

Fight Fat with a Combination Of Thigh-Trimming, Butt-Tightening Kickboxing Moves Jab, Kick & Burn features 3 different cardio workouts that really hone in on kickboxing moves and techniques that will strengthen and reshape the major muscles and specific body areas.
Energizing Sound - Feel every kick and punch hit their mark when you perform all workouts to a live percussion band.

Great For All Fitness Levels - Each 15 minute workout is designed along a progressive intensity formula: Your level of intensity and difficulty increases from workout to workout as you master the moves and techniques. Burn fat steadily regardless of your fitness level!

Bonus Round Workout-Get super firm and cut abs like martial arts athlete with this segment featuring anti-gravity, deep muscle conditioning techniques!
Jab, Kick & Burn features dancer and martial arts expert Tracey Mallett.

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  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    55 min
  • IMDB Rating