Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks Season 4 Episode 50

Ep 50. Sick as a Chipmunk

  • November 14, 2020

Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks season 4 episode 50 titled "Sick as a Chipmunk" follows the famous singing chipmunks Alvin, Simon, and Theodore as they come down with a cold just before a big music festival. As they try to soldier on with their rehearsals, they find themselves struggling to hit the high notes and dance with their usual energy. The boys' adopted father, Dave Seville, tries to help them out by making them healthy meals, giving them medicine, and insisting that they rest, but they are too determined to keep going.

To make matters worse, the boys' arch-nemesis, Ian Hawke, manages to steal their songbook and whips up some new tunes, hoping to show up the Chipmunks at the festival. Despite feeling under the weather, the Chipmunks decide they can't let Ian win and embark on a mission to get their songbook back and prove who the real musicians are.

As they search for Ian's hideout, they find themselves getting sicker and sicker, leading to some hilarious mishaps and misunderstandings. However, their determination and love for music help them push through, and they finally manage to recover their songbook and deliver a show-stopping performance at the festival.

The episode deals with themes of perseverance, teamwork, and the importance of taking care of oneself, even when under pressure. It also showcases the Chipmunks' signature brand of humor and catchy music, making it a must-watch for fans of the franchise. Overall, "Sick as a Chipmunk" is an enjoyable and uplifting episode that will leave viewers feeling both amused and inspired.

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  • First Aired
    November 14, 2020
  • Language