Always a Witch Season 1 Episode 3
Always a Witch
Season 1

Ep 3. Episode 3

  • February 1, 2019

In episode 3 of Always a Witch season 1, we follow Carmen as she continues to navigate life in the present day as a witch from the 17th century. Carmen's main focus in this episode is trying to locate clues that will help her retrieve the time-traveling necklace that was stolen from her in the previous episode.

As she begins her search, Carmen meets with her friend and fellow witch, Mayte, who tries to help her in any way she can. Mayte sings a traditional chant that helps Carmen get in touch with her ancestors and gain guidance about her situation. This scene is significant in establishing the connection between present-day Carmen and her 17th-century ancestors and highlights the importance of family and tradition in Carmen's life.

The episode takes an interesting turn when we are introduced to a new character, Johnny Ki, a private investigator that Mayte recommends to Carmen to help locate the stolen necklace. Johnny is skeptical of Carmen's story and her claims of being a witch from the past, but he agrees to help her find the necklace in exchange for a substantial amount of money. This partnership sets the stage for interesting and humorous interactions between the two characters throughout the episode.

Meanwhile, the scenes with the witches' council offer more insight into the political and social dynamics of the witch world. We see Carmen's friend and mentor, Aldemar, go against the council's orders to help Carmen find the necklace. Aldemar's defiance sets up a conflict that will likely have repercussions in future episodes.

In this episode, we also get a glimpse into the personal lives of some of the supporting characters. We see how Carmen's host family is struggling to deal with the sudden disappearance of their daughter, who they believe has run away. This subplot adds a layer of emotional depth to the show and highlights the consequences of Carmen's actions, not just for herself, but for those around her.

Towards the end of the episode, Carmen and Johnny finally locate the stolen necklace. However, their victory is short-lived as they soon discover a deeper conspiracy at play involving a mysterious organization known as the Knights of the Apocalypse. The episode ends with Carmen realizing that she might have gotten herself into more trouble than she bargained for and establishes the Knights of the Apocalypse as the primary antagonist for the season.

Overall, episode 3 of Always a Witch season 1 is a well-paced and engaging installment that builds on the previous episodes' momentum and sets up interesting conflicts and storylines for the remainder of the season. The new characters introduced in this episode provide a welcome freshness to the show's dynamic, while the polished performances of the lead actors anchor the episode and keep it emotionally resonant.

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  • First Aired
    February 1, 2019
  • Language