American Masters Season 23 Episode 7
American Masters
Season 23

Ep 7. Lennon NYC

  • November 22, 2010

Lennon NYC is an episode from season 23 of American Masters which explores the life of musician and peace activist John Lennon during his time living in New York City. Through interviews with friends, family, and colleagues, the episode delves into the unique creative atmosphere that existed in NYC during the 1970s and how it played a significant role in shaping Lennon's music and activism.

The episode also covers Lennon's personal life, including his tumultuous relationship with wife Yoko Ono, and how their partnership influenced his work and personal beliefs. The episode showcases Lennon's involvement in political activism, including his support of anti-war efforts and advocacy for immigrant rights.

Many of the key moments in Lennon's career and life are spotlighted in the episode, including his legendary concert in Madison Square Garden, where he performed with Elton John, his collaborations with other musicians, and his eventual tragic death.

In addition to exploring Lennon's story, the episode also examines the broader cultural and political context of the era, particularly regarding issues of race, gender, and social justice. Through interviews with historians and cultural critics, the episode connects Lennon's work to larger movements for change during the time.

Overall, Lennon NYC offers a comprehensive and nuanced portrait of John Lennon during one of the most exciting and tumultuous periods in American history. It is a compelling exploration of the life, music, and legacy of one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century.

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  • First Aired
    November 22, 2010
  • Language