Becker Season 1 Episode 10
Season 1

Ep 10. P.C. World

  • January 25, 1999
  • 8.4  (142)

Becker season 1 episode 10, titled "P.C. World," follows the irritable and grumpy Dr. John Becker (Ted Danson) as he navigates the complexities of political correctness in his daily life.

The episode begins with Becker going on a blind date arranged by his nurse Linda (Shawnee Smith). He is surprised to encounter a woman who is his polar opposite in terms of political views. The woman, a vegan animal rights activist, turns out to be very preachy and intolerant towards his eating habits. Becker's frustration reaches a tipping point when she picks a fight with him over a leather recliner in his apartment. He ultimately ends the date abruptly and they part ways.

Meanwhile, at the diner where Becker frequently eats, a new employee named Jake (Jason Beghe) has just been hired. Jake is a blue-collar worker who has a loud and outgoing personality. He immediately clashes with Becker, who takes offense to his politically incorrect remarks. Becker and Jake have a heated argument about the use of the word "retarded," and Becker tries to make a point about the importance of respecting people with disabilities. However, Jake dismisses Becker's argument and continues to make insensitive comments.

Later, a woman named Grace comes in for a check-up with Becker. Grace is a middle-aged woman who is obsessed with her appearance. She wants Becker to give her a facelift, but he refuses because he believes it is an unnecessary and risky surgery. Grace is offended by his refusal and accuses him of being ageist and sexist. Becker tries to explain his perspective, but Grace storms out of the office without listening.

Back at the diner, Jake continues to make politically incorrect remarks and Becker becomes increasingly frustrated. However, when a group of politically correct activists come in to protest Jake's behavior, Becker finds himself defending Jake's right to speak his mind. He argues that although Jake's comments may be offensive, he has the right to express his opinions.

At the end of the episode, Becker reflects on his encounters with the different people throughout the day. He realizes that although he may not agree with their opinions, he needs to respect their right to have them. He also comes to the conclusion that he cannot change people's behavior by lecturing them or being offended by their comments. Instead, he decides to focus on his own behavior and work towards being more patient and understanding.

Overall, "P.C. World" is a thought-provoking episode that explores the complex issues surrounding political correctness in society. It highlights the challenges of navigating differing opinions and the importance of respecting others while staying true to oneself.

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  • First Aired
    January 25, 1999
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.4  (142)