Becker Season 1 Episode 9
Season 1

Ep 9. Choose Me

  • January 18, 1999
  • 7.8  (117)

Becker season 1 episode 9, titled "Choose Me," brings an exciting story of office romance, as Linda and Margaret compete for Becker's attention.

The episode begins with Linda confessing to Jake and Bob that she has a crush on Becker, and is trying to find ways to get closer to him. Meanwhile, Margaret arrives at the office, dressed up and talking about her upcoming date with a new man. However, when Becker walks in, Margaret seems nervous and uneasy around him, giving away her own feelings for him.

As the day goes on, both Linda and Margaret try to one-up each other by taking on extra tasks and asking Becker for his input or assistance. This leads to a series of mishaps and mistakes, causing Becker to become increasingly annoyed with both of them. He eventually tells them to stop trying to impress him and focus on their work instead.

However, Linda and Margaret continue their competition throughout the day, even going as far as to accidentally schedule themselves to share a work lunch with Becker at the same time. This causes an awkward situation, which leads to Becker storming off and leaving them both to figure out their attraction to him.

Later in the episode, Becker finds out about Linda and Margaret's crushes on him, and becomes even more agitated with their behavior. However, after talking with Jake, he realizes that his own demeanor and attitude towards them may have been contributing to the uncomfortable situation. He decides to take a step back and let Linda and Margaret sort out their feelings on their own.

In the end, Linda and Margaret come clean to each other about their crush on Becker and decide to put their competition aside. They agree to work together and focus on doing their job well without trying to impress Becker.

"Choose Me" is a lighthearted episode that explores the dynamics of office romance and the competition that can arise from it. The characters of Linda and Margaret bring a fun energy to the show, adding a layer of humor and relatability that viewers can appreciate. Meanwhile, Becker's frustration with their behavior highlights the challenges of managing employees, while Jake and Bob offer a different perspective on the situation. Ultimately, the episode serves as a reminder to viewers to prioritize work over personal pursuits and to avoid letting emotions get in the way of professionalism.

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  • First Aired
    January 18, 1999
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.8  (117)