Bunsen is a Beast! Season 1 Episode 8

Ep 8. Mikey Is a Beast

  • February 22, 2017

Bunsen is a Beast! season 1 episode 8 is titled "Mikey Is a Beast." In this episode, the main character Bunsen and his best friend Mikey are getting ready for the big school dance. While preparing, Bunsen shows Mikey his beastly powers and they accidentally switch powers with each other. This means that Mikey, who is normally just a human, becomes a beast with powers like Bunsen. At first, Mikey loves being a beast and using his new powers, but he soon discovers that it comes with some complications.

As a beast, Mikey can no longer speak English and can only communicate with animal sounds. This makes it difficult for him to communicate with his friends and family, and he starts to miss his old life. Meanwhile, Bunsen is having a hard time adjusting to being human and not having his beastly powers. He struggles to understand human customs and even struggles with things like walking on two legs. Despite these challenges, Bunsen continues to support Mikey and helps him try to navigate his new beastly powers.

As the school dance approaches, Mikey starts to worry about what will happen if he can't switch back to being human. He's afraid he will be stuck as a beast forever and will never be able to communicate with his loved ones again. In order to help him, Bunsen comes up with a plan to switch their powers back. They enlist the help of their science teacher, Dr. Beast, and together they create a machine that will return them to their original forms.

The plan works and Mikey is overjoyed to be human again. He celebrates by busting out some of his old dance moves at the school dance and impresses everyone with his funky human moves. Meanwhile, Bunsen is relieved to be back in his beastly form and shows off his powers to the rest of the school. The episode ends with Bunsen and Mikey reflecting on their experiences and realizing that even though they are different, they will always be there for each other.

Overall, "Mikey Is a Beast" is a heartwarming episode that combines humor, friendship, and a unique twist on the classic trope of switching powers. It's an entertaining and family-friendly show that is perfect for young children and their parents alike. The episode highlights the importance of acceptance and friendship, and shows that even when things get tough, your friends will always be there to support you.

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  • First Aired
    February 22, 2017
  • Language