Catching Killers Season 2 Episode 10
Catching Killers
Season 2

Ep 10. Skeletal Secrets

  • July 8, 2013

In Catching Killers season 2 episode 10 titled "Skeletal Secrets," forensic investigators are tasked with solving the murder of a woman whose remains were found buried in a shallow grave. With only bones as evidence, the team must piece together the victim's identity and determine how she died.

The episode begins with the discovery of the skeletal remains in a wooded area. The bones have been scattered and have been exposed to the elements, making it difficult to determine how long they have been there. The investigators collect all the bones found at the scene and transport them to the lab for analysis.

The first step in identifying the victim is to determine the gender. The investigators look closely at the bones and conclude that they belonged to a female. They then study the teeth to try and establish a dental profile as this information can be compared with dental records. However, the victim's teeth are in poor condition, making it hard to establish any significant information.

The investigators then turn to the bones themselves to see if they can glean any more information. They observe the presence of certain markings that suggest that the victim might have had some sort of medical condition. This could prove to be vital information in identifying the victim.

Next, the investigators look at the skull to determine what type of trauma it sustained. They note that there is damage to the skull at the back, indicating that the victim was hit from behind. They also observe a fracture that suggests that the victim was hit with great force. This suggests that the victim knew her attacker and that this was a calculated attack.

The investigators then look at the rest of the bones to see if there were any significant injuries that could indicate how the victim died. They note that there is a piece of metal in the chest area of the victim. This could be a weapon or a bullet but they need to get an expert to examine it further.

The team also needs to determine a time frame for when the victim died. They collect soil and plant samples from the grave and send them to the lab for analysis. The results indicate that the victim was buried in the grave for at least a year, which means she might have been missing for longer. This information also helps the investigators narrow down a list of possible victims and suspects.

With the help of genetic profiling, the investigators are able to identify a possible relative of the victim. They locate the family member and interview them to try and get more information about the victim. They also engage the services of a forensic artist who creates a likeness of the victim. The image is then circulated to the media in the hope that someone will come forward with information.

As the investigation progresses, the investigators come across several suspects, including the victim's ex-boyfriend and her former employer. They interview each suspect and gather evidence to build a case against them.

In the end, the investigators use all the evidence they have gathered to build a strong case against the perpetrator. They make an arrest and the case goes to trial. With the help of the forensic evidence, the perpetrator is found guilty of the murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Overall, "Skeletal Secrets" is a fascinating episode that shows the importance of forensic evidence in solving crimes. The investigators are able to use their skills and knowledge to piece together an identity and track down a killer, proving that justice can be served even when all that is left are bones.

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  • First Aired
    July 8, 2013
  • Language