Caught on Camera Season 7 Episode 7
Caught on Camera
Season 7

Ep 7. Mayhem

  • December 27, 2015

Caught on Camera season 7 episode 7, Mayhem, showcases some of the most extraordinary, heart-stopping, and sometimes shocking footage captured by eyewitnesses, CCTV, and cell phones. The episode presents a diverse range of events that involve unpredictable people and animals, harsh conditions, and sudden accidents. These clips offer a glimpse into the most unexpected and sometimes incredibly dangerous incidents caught on camera.

The episode opens with footage of a group of bikers crashing into each other during a race. The high-intensity race ends abruptly when a biker loses control and collides with another rider. The resulting crash causes a chain reaction, leading to several bikers being thrown off their vehicles. The cameras continue rolling as spectators and emergency crews rush to the scene to provide aid and assistance.

The show then moves on to a collection of clips depicting various scenarios where animals take matters into their own hands, or rather paws. One clip shows a monkey stealing a cyclist's phone while he was taking a break in the woods. The monkey runs off with the phone, displaying the sort of cunning and intelligence that many people didn't give these primates credit. In another clip, a large elephant charges a mud-covered car, zigzagging and moving it with its head, leaving the passengers inside overwhelmed with fear.

Next, the episode showcases the power of nature through a series of videos captured during severe weather conditions. Footage shows a storm surge, washing off cars from a street and sweeping them into the ocean. The camera captures the strength and ferocity of the sea, tossing debris back and forth in the tumultuous waters. Another clip exhibits a massive dust storm enveloping a city, quickly causing chaos and destruction, as the dust clouds swept through roadways and obscured visibility and causing accidents on freeways.

The episode then shifts gears to present a selection of clips that demonstrate risk-taking and death-defying stunts. Cutting across the globe, we see a man soaring over the Austrian Alps on a winged suit before opening his parachute. Another clip reveals a daredevil performing a dangerous stunt by standing and balancing on a surfboard towed behind a speedboat as it powers through rough seas. These stunts might have thrilled the performers, but they left viewers breathless with peril.

The next set of clips depict incidents in which everyday activities go wrong. One clip shows a wedding party crossing a creek on a wooden bridge. The bridge could not take the weight of so many people, collapsing under their weight, leaving several people sustaining injuries. Another instance involved a gas station explosion, resulting from an individual smoking while filling his car with gas, causing a massive fire that quickly spread, causing injuries to several people.

Finally, the episode concludes with an assembling of moments that left viewers laughing out loud. These oddly hilarious moments range from a cat spitting out his water after hearing a song to a stubborn donkey refusing to leave the side of his injured human companion, even when rescuers playfully pull him away.

Caught on Camera season 7 episode 7, Mayhem, is a high-energy and, at times, a jaw-dropping collection of videos captured during unpredictable events. This episode presents a wide range of scenarios that emphasize the unpredictable and sometimes dangerous nature of the world around us. Whether it's a group of bikers crashing during a race, an elephant attacking a car, or a dust storm engulfing a city, these clips remind us that we are often at the mercy of the unpredictable, leaving us forever wondering what could happen next.

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  • First Aired
    December 27, 2015
  • Language