Close Up with the Hollywood Reporter Season 4 Episode 5

Ep 5. Genre

  • TV14
  • July 22, 2018
  • 39 min

Close Up with the Hollywood Reporter season 4 episode 5, titled Genre, features a roundtable discussion with some of the year's most acclaimed filmmakers. The guests include Jordan Peele, Spike Lee, Ryan Coogler, Jon M. Chu, Peter Farrelly, and Barry Jenkins. The focus of the discussion is the different genres of film and how they are evolving. The guests share their ideas on how to make unique films in a crowded market, how they approach genre, and how they strive to make their films accessible to audiences worldwide.

As the discussion starts, the guests share their thoughts on why genre is an important aspect of filmmaking. Jordan Peele, who is known for his contributions to horror, points out that genre films have the power to transport audiences and make them feel something. Spike Lee, who has played with different genres throughout his career, adds that genre can be a tool to tackle important social issues in a relatable way. Ryan Coogler, who directed the groundbreaking Black Panther, notes that by embracing genre, filmmakers can create worlds and characters that audiences will care about and root for.

The conversation then turns to the challenges of making genre films and how to keep them fresh. Peter Farrelly, who is a veteran of the comedy genre, highlights the importance of making films that are not only funny but also have heart and meaning. Jon M. Chu, who directed the hit romantic comedy Crazy Rich Asians, points out that the trick to keeping genre fresh is to subvert expectations and break the rules. Barry Jenkins, whose Moonlight won the Best Picture Oscar, suggests that the best way to create something new is to draw from personal experiences and insights.

The guests also discuss the global appeal of genre films and how they are embraced by diverse audiences around the world. Jordan Peele shares his experience of making a horror film that resonates with African American audiences, while Spike Lee talks about his films that explore the black experience in America. Ryan Coogler, who directed the landmark Black Panther, discusses how important it was to create a superhero film that represents and celebrates African cultures.

As the discussion progresses, the guests share their insights on how to make films that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking. Peter Farrelly talks about his latest film, Green Book, which tackles issues of race and class in 1960s America while still being an uplifting and heartfelt story. Jon M. Chu discusses the impact of Crazy Rich Asians, which celebrated Asian culture while also breaking down stereotypes and opening doors for more diverse casting in Hollywood. Barry Jenkins shares his approach to storytelling by drawing from his own experiences and how he strives to make films that speak to a universal human experience.

Throughout the episode, the guests share their personal experiences and anecdotes that provide a glimpse into the creative process of making genre films. They also discuss some of the challenges they face in the industry, such as finding financing and dealing with studio interference. However, despite the obstacles, the guests are all united in their passion for storytelling and their belief in the power of films to entertain, engage, and inspire audiences.

In conclusion, Close Up with the Hollywood Reporter season 4 episode 5, Genre, is an insightful and inspiring discussion on the art of filmmaking and how genre can be used to create unique and meaningful stories. The guests are some of the most talented filmmakers working today, and their insights and experiences provide a captivating glimpse into the world of Hollywood. Whether you are a fan of horror, comedy, romance, or drama, this episode is sure to entertain and inspire.

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  • First Aired
    July 22, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    39 min
  • Language