Creeped Out Season 2 Episode 3
Creeped Out
Season 2

Ep 3. Help

  • May 8, 2019
  • 6.4  (147)

In the Creeped Out season 2 episode 3, titled "Help," viewers are introduced to a teenage girl named Lisa who seeks help from a strange hotline when she is struggling with anxiety and depression. However, when she calls the hotline, she realizes that something sinister is going on and she may have made a grave mistake.

The episode begins with Lisa sitting alone in her room, feeling overwhelmed and anxious. She opens up her computer and searches for ways to cope with her feelings. She comes across a number for a hotline that claims to offer help to teens dealing with anxiety and depression. Lisa feels hesitant at first, but ultimately decides to give it a try.

Upon calling the hotline, Lisa is immediately greeted by a robotic voice on the other end. The voice tells her that it is here to help her and asks her a series of questions to gauge the severity of her mental health struggles. After answering the questions, Lisa is told to wait for a counselor to assist her.

When the counselor finally comes on the line, Lisa is caught off guard by their stilted and cold demeanor. The counselor is speaking in a monotonous voice and seems almost robotic in their responses. Lisa becomes increasingly uncomfortable as the counselor seems to know intimate details about her life and feelings that she didn't divulge.

As the call continues, Lisa begins to suspect that something isn't quite right about the hotline. She tries to end the call, but the counselor insists on staying on and helping her. Lisa's unease turns to panic as she realizes that she may have put herself in more danger than she anticipated.

"Help" is a suspenseful and unsettling episode that delves into important topics surrounding mental health. It showcases the dangers of blindly trusting strangers, no matter how promising their claims may seem. The episode's plot twists and turns will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to find out how Lisa will get out of her predicament.

In addition to the plot, the episode's production design and cinematography are top-notch. The sets feel authentically bleak and gloomy, adding to the overall sense of unease. The lighting is expertly crafted to create shadows and enhance the sense of danger lurking just beyond the frame.

Overall, "Help" is a standout episode of Creeped Out season 2 that tackles important themes while delivering a gripping story. Fans of the anthology series won't want to miss this episode.

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Creeped Out, Season 2 Episode 3, is available to watch and stream on Netflix. You can also buy, rent Creeped Out on demand at Netflix online.
  • First Aired
    May 8, 2019
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.4  (147)