DancePulp Season 1 Episode 12
Season 1

Ep 12. Rubinald Pronk: from Classical Company to Contemporary Freelancer

  • May 27, 2010

DancePulp season 1 episode 12, "Rubinald Pronk: from Classical Company to Contemporary Freelancer", delves into the career of dancer Rubinald Pronk. Pronk began his dance journey in a classical ballet company, but eventually broke away to pursue a career as a contemporary freelance dancer.

The episode pieces together Pronk's memories and thoughts on his transition from the strict world of classical ballet to the more fluid and diverse landscape of contemporary dance. We see clips of Pronk in some of his most iconic performances, as well as interviews with colleagues and friends who know him best.

Throughout the episode, Pronk's love for dance and his passion for growth in the field shine through. He discusses the challenges he encountered when first joining a contemporary company, and how his experience in classical ballet prepared him for the transition. He also reflects on ways in which he has continued to evolve as a dancer over the years, incorporating hip-hop, martial arts, and other styles into his repertoire.

Despite his success and recognition as a dancer, Pronk has remained humble and grounded. We see footage of him teaching and interacting with students, emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication in achieving one's goals. Overall, this episode offers a unique glimpse into the life and career of one of dance's most versatile and talented performers.

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  • First Aired
    May 27, 2010
  • Language