Doctor Vet: Los Angeles

Watch Doctor Vet: Los Angeles

  • 2013
  • 2 Seasons

Doctor Vet: Los Angeles, an educational and inspiring series from Nat Geo Mundo, follows veterinary surgeon Dr. Marcelo Laporta as he navigates his way through the exciting and challenging world of animal care in one of the busiest cities in the world, Los Angeles.

Throughout the series, Laporta encounters a variety of animals with diverse needs, from pets in need of routine check-ups, to animals with more serious medical conditions. While carrying out his daily routine and interacting with his patients, he takes the audience along with him on a fascinating journey of discovery and devotion to the well-being of the animals.

The show provides an intimate look at the life of a veterinarian and the bond they share with their patients. The audience is privy to the daily responsibilities of a veterinarian and the importance of providing the best care possible, both medically and emotionally. Doctor Vet: Los Angeles emphasizes the vital role that vets play in shaping the health and wellbeing of our animal companions.

As the show progresses, Dr. Laporta dives deeper into each animal's situation to diagnose the problem and explore the best course of action for each individual directly with the animal's owner. Through in-depth discussions with the pet owners, we come to understand the history and behavior of each patient, which often helps Dr. Laporta find solutions that are right for both the animal and its human caretakers.

Dr. Laporta is a skilled veterinary surgeon with years of experience in animal care. He has dedicated his life to his profession, and it shows in his compassion and skill. His passion for animal health and welfare shines through in each episode as he provides care with the utmost care and sensitivity.

Each episode showcases a different case or a variety of cases, from common pet illnesses such as ear infections and skin allergies to more complex medical issues requiring surgery. As Dr. Laporta works through each case, he educates the pet owner and takes the time to explain the medical procedures he plans to undertake to improve the animal's condition.

The show doesn't just provide practical tips on animal health and welfare, but also explores some of the emotional challenges and joys of being a pet owner. From the relationship between mother and puppy, to the bond between pet and owner, it becomes clear that our pets are family members, and the role of the animal doctor is to help keep that family unit healthy and happy.

In conclusion, Doctor Vet: Los Angeles is a must-watch for any animal lover. It is an insightful and captivating look into the world of veterinary medicine, providing a close up the care, love, and dedication required to give our animal companions the best life possible. It is a heart-warming, informative, and essential show for all animal enthusiasts.

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En este episodio el doctor guatemalteco Carlos López, emprende un viaje a su tierra natal, donde encuentra fuertes emociones... pero también, varios animales en problemas: un temible león que desafía sus conocimientos como especialista en
1. En este episodio el doctor guatemalteco Carlos López, emprende un viaje a su tierra natal, donde encuentra fuertes emociones... pero también, varios animales en problemas: un temible león que desafía sus conocimientos como especialista en
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En este episodio el doctor guatemalteco Carlos López, emprende un viaje a su tierra natal, donde encuentra fuertes emociones... pero también, varios animales en problemas: un temible león que desafía sus conocimientos como especialista en animal exóticos.
  • Premiere Date
    October 10, 2013